This workout as well as EVERY other workout is written with the loads and goals of a fit individual in mind. That is why often we have a time cap on it and are always checking and assigning weights on an individual basis different from what is written here. The movements can be scaled, the loads can be scaled and the time under tension can be scaled. Just because it says the front squats should be done at Body weight does not mean you have to use that, are ready for that or that amount of volume would even be beneficial for you. Believe it or not, there is no sadistic thought process behind this type of training, I have no desire to watch you suffer through something you shouldn't be doing, that's not what I'm in this for. The ability to perform these workouts as they are written takes time, dedication, trust and commitment. We are lucky enough that the majority of our core members have been here with us for about two years and are committed and trust the process. Because of that I have seen many of them go from almost no load on the barbell at times to close to, if not the weight that is suggested. I have watched those that have stayed committed become stronger, more fit and most importantly healthier by allowing time, discipline, sacrifice and commitment to change them. Nowadays a lot of people want to skip the process and somehow hit a button to download their fitness, you can see it any weekend you want at road race of any distance where a large amount of the people are way out of shape and taking on something they haven't put the time into, haven't sacrificed for and are not ready for. The only people that I often hear complaints about excessive soreness or nagging reoccurring pains are those who show up only when its convenient for them, inconsistently and aren't committed. These people are not here enough to become conditioned to the type of workout we are doing and are trying to keep up with the people around them that are - PLEASE STOP DOING THAT. If you are new to this type of training, take your time, no one here got where they are overnight. Ask if you are not sure about something and tell us if something is bothering you. The classes now have people at all different levels of fitness and just because you're in the same room with other people the only workout that matters to you should be your own. If you at anytime find that this is not the type of training that you want, not one of you is under contract and I will give you a 100% refund, I totally understand that this is not for everyone. If this is something you are ready to work hard for, sacrifice for, be patient with, stay committed to and have a desire to change your health and fitness level for, please keep coming. If not, new member or old, let me know so I can make room for those that are.
5 Rounds for Time of:
45 KB SDHP 53/36
15 Front Squats
(FIT Men should use their own bodyweight on the bar/women 3/4 bodyweight)
If say your 5 rep max front squat is under your bodyweight of course you shouldn't be using that weight for 15 reps a good place to start would be maybe 70% of your 5 rep max.
Barbell row