Spring Cleaning time again!
It’s time to clean things up and put some discipline into
action. Next Monday is May 1st and for the month of
May I am challenging you all to clean up what you are putting into your bodies
for AT LEAST the entire month. I know for sure that if you stay compliant
over the month you will see a difference in how you look, feel and
perform. Hopefully this will instill some good habits or open your eyes
to some of the bad ones you’ve been ignoring. We've done this before and always see great results, here’s the challenge:
Starting May 1st I challenge you all to only
eat and drink real food for the entire month. I know nowadays that can be
confusing because of all the nonsense you’ve been told or sold all over the
place so I’ll make it as simple as possible for you. IF IT WAS NOT
that leave? Plants, Animals and their produce (AKA REAL
FOOD). We could go crazy about portions and timing of meals and all of
that but I’m not looking to do that within these 31 days. I just want to
keep it simple and get you guys to notice all the NON FOOD you’ve been eating,
how much of it and how the absence of that will make you feel and move you
towards what you SAY you want. The truth
is if you are consistently working out with us 3-4 classes a week for as long
as most of you have been and gaining weight or maintaining a body-fat
percentage over 35% I know that your habits outside of the gym aren’t very
disciplined so as much as I don’t want this challenge to be about aesthetics or
numbers on the scale we need to get you back to paying attention to portion
sizes, food quality and nothing else because if our ultimate goal is good
health and a long life, staying overweight or gradually climbing year after
year is making both of those things impossible. (Source: Every study ever
conducted on overweight people) If you are consistently eating similar FOODS
and portion sizes you’ll be able to feel what makes the difference, if you feel
too full you’ve probably eaten too much, if you’re feeling slow, sluggish or
tired in or out of the gym, probably too little. Stay consistent with the food
choices, meal times and quantities and let your body do and tell you the
rest. Most everyone here tries to live a
pretty healthy lifestyle or is at least conscious of what and how they are
eating but sometimes long winters or life’s excuses get us forgetting the basics
and have us just eating what’s convenient instead of what’s going to help you
look, feel and live the way you SAY you want to so sometimes we need to take
some time to dial things back and start to rebuild some better habits to take with
us after a challenge like this. This is
even a good opportunity for even those of you that don’t need to lose a ton of
weight to fine tune your diets and see how you would benefit from cleaner
eating in body and mind because you all will. If you are a male still
over 15% bodyfat and a female still over 25% bodyfat this is how you should be
eating the majority of the time, simple clean foods that came from the earth with
little to no ingredients and until you’ve reached those numbers you need to
worry less about what your adding to your diet and more about what you’re
taking out, so I’ll answer your questions now: YES, this means no protein
shakes, YES this means no supplements or sports drinks that you
think are hyping you up or giving you good fuel before your workout or giving
you the vitamins you need post workout, all of that was manmade and not part of
this challenge. Not to mention if you are eating all real food, you don’t need
to supplement! THE NUTRIENTS ARE IN THE FOOD!!! YES you can
drink coffee, BLACK (the beans grew from the ground) and NO, you can’t
put sugar in it (even if it says natural on the packet, it's factory made)
and finally no alcohol, (Just lost a few people, oops…) the wine didn’t just come
from grapes so unless you grew them and stomped them out yourself, no wine. Let
the food bring you the nutrition, energy and results, do this and get in here a
MINUMUM of 3 classes a week and let's see what happens. It's only
one month, lots to gain, nothing to lose…
A few easy guidelines:
Men should be eating 4-5 Meals per day
Women should be eating 3-4 Meals per day
ALL Meals should look like this:
About a fist size of dead animal (Protein)
About a fist size of Carbohydrate (Fruit, rice, oats,
potatoes, beans, vegetables etc)
About a thumb size of good fat, (Nuts, butter, avocado,
* If the eggs have yokes these count as your fat for the
* If you’re cooking in olive oil or butter this counts as
your fat for the meal
* If your meat is less than 90% lean (Including chicken with
skin and restaurant meat) this counts as your fat for the meal
* If you’re drinking Whole Milk (the only milk you should be
drinking) this counts as your CARB and Fat for the meal
* Seasoning is OK (salt, pepper, garlic, etc..) , Sauces are
* Weigh yourself twice per week - If not averaging a loss at 2 week mark reevaluate
your fist size! If the goal is to gain weight and you aren’t gaining add that
4th or 5th meal.
THAT’S IT – Nothing on the side, nothing in between
and nothing for dessert unless it grew or was birthed on earth and you’re
counting as a meal - STICK TO IT and see what happens, I don’t care about Cinco
de Mayo, I don’t care about your brothers cookout at the end of the month, I
don’t care about your or your friends birthday. Suck it up, show some
discipline, reap the benefits… It might be tough for those first couple days
but you will get through it. Then when June comes along you can decide
which habits you want to continue to stick with or which manmade foods you
might feel the need bring back in with moderation. There’s no cost to enter the
challenge so congrats, you’re all in it. I will decide the winner based on
effort, perseverance and results and announce it in June, with your prize,
right when you’re all ready for the beach. Feel free to ask any questions
that might come up along the way and keep me posted on your progress or by
sharing with everyone else your meals and ideas. Support each other and commit. You got about a week to plan your attack… Good
Week of 042323
Monday Class at 5:00PM
Warmup with 5 Minute jog Then:
3 Rounds of:
5 Inchworms
10 Airsquats
10 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups
Push Press
Using 90% Strict Press Max
As many Rounds as Possible in 10 Minutes of:
12 Dumbbell Deadlifts
9 Dumbbell Squat Cleans
6 Dumbbell Jerks
*use a weight that allows for unbroken jerks each round
1 Min Twisted Cross Each Side
2 Min Sumo Squat
1 Min Seal
Wednesday Class at 5:00 PM
Warmup with 5 Mins jog Then 3 Rounds of:
10 Jump Squats
5 Burpees
10 Rollover V sits
2 Min Sumo Squat
1 Min Dragon each side
1 Min Lizard Each side
Use 35% of 1 RM
As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 Minutes of:
20 Lateral Box Step overs
20 Walking Lunges
40 Sit-ups
Friday Class at 5PM
5 Broad Jumps
10 Airsquats
5 Kip Swings
30 Mountain Climbers
2 Min Childs Pose
1 Min Twisted Cross Each Side
2 Min Seated Forward Fold
Conditioning: 10 Minute Time Cap
For Time:
25 KB Swings
50/44 Calories Bike
25 KB Swings
Rest Exactly 3 Minutes and repeat.
*Choose a weight that allows for unbroken sets of KB Swings
Weighted Pull-ups
Strength And Conditioning:
4 Rounds For Time:
Run 400M
15 Toes To Bar
12 Burpees To a Target
9 Hang Power Cleans @ 65% Max Power Clean
Pigeon Pose – 2 mins each side
Single leg forward fold – 1 min each side
Puppy Dog Pose – 2 Minutes
Seated Forward Fold – 2 Minutes
Wrist stretches – 1 Min Each Side
Twisted Cross – 1 Min Each Side
Butterfly Groin Stretch – 2 Minutes
Thread the needle – 2 Min each side
Seated straddle – 2 Minutes