Week of 123024
Monday: Class at 5PM
Dynamic Group Warmup
Last In Person Workout of the year... No Time Cap
For Time:
24 Toes To Bar
24 KB Swings
24 Goblet Squats
24 Burpee Broad Jumps
24 Wallballs
24 Calories Bike
Run 1 Mile
25 Toes To Bar
25 KB Swings
25 Goblet Squats
25 Burpee Broad Jumps
25 Wallballs
25 Calories Bike
No Class, Happy New Year...
Optional at home workout below.
Again I will hold OPEN GYM, Thursday the 2nd at 4:30PM-6:00PM for anyone interested. OPEN GYM gives you the freedom to go in and get to work on anything you would like independently, take advantage of these times and use what you have learned to build your own workouts, practice your skills or just get a good sweat session in. Don't wait for a personal invitation, go in get to work...
Optional At Home Workout:
Warmup with:
3 Rounds of:
10 Airsquats
5 Inchworms
5 Rollover V sits
45 Seconds of Situps
For Time: How Far can you get in the 18 Minute Time cap..
20 Burpees
40 Pushups
20 Burpees
60 Pullups (Towel on Doorknob if no bar at home)
40 Pushups
20 Burpees
80 Situps
60 Pullups (Towel on Doorknob if no bar at home)
40 Pushups
20 Burpees
100 Airsquats
80 Situps
60 Pullups (Towel on Doorknob if no bar at home)
40 Pushups
20 Burpees
Friday: Class at 4:30 PM -
Dynamic Group Warmup then:
Set your strength numbers for the year....
12 Mins to Establish a 1 Rep Max Back Squat
12 Mins To Establish a 1 Rep Max Deadlift
12 Mins To Establish a 1 Rep Max Strict Press
Add all three numbers together to calculate you total...
Saturday: Open Gym 8:30AM - 10:00AM
No Structured Class on Saturdays - Work on your weaknesses in or out of the gym, if your needs are more cardio based work in 60 minutes of that, if they are more strength or skill based take some time to lift and practice skills or if more flexibility is your goal spend some focused time stretching. Find a way to make fitness a priority on your own terms. If there is more expressed interest in the future for Saturday classes to be added back we will do that then but for now Saturdays will be open gym only.