Sunday, January 5, 2025

Week of 010625

Week of 010625

Monday: Class at 5PM 

Warmup with 3 Rds of: 

10 Airsquats 
5 Burpees 
10 Lunges 
5 Kip Swings

1 Min forward Dragon Each side 
20 Scorpion Twists 


As Many Reps as Possible in 12 Minutes of: 

6 DB Snatches Right
6 DB Goblet Reverse lunges 
6 DB Snatches Left
6 DB Goblet Reverse Lunges 
30 Double Unders 

Goal 50/35


On the 1:30 x 7 

3 Power Cleans + 12 Reverse Lunges 

Climb AFA 

Wednesday: Class at 5PM  

Warmup with: 

3 Rounds of: 

10 Airsquats 
5 Inchworms 
5 Rollover V sits 
45 Seconds of Situps 


As Many Rounds as Possible in 10 Minutes of: 

1-2-3-4-5....ETC Of: 

Power Cleans (Goal 135/95)
Burpee Box Jump Overs 
Toes To Bar 


Push Press

Using 90% of this years 1RM (If it wasn't set last week set it)
Friday: Class at 4:30 PM - 

Dynamic Group Warmup then: 


5 Rounds for Time of: 

40 Situps 
30 Pushups 
20 Pullups 
1K Bike 


Back Squat 

Using 65% of 1RM - (If wasn't set last week, set it...)

Saturday: Open Gym 8:30AM - 10:00AM 

No Structured Class on Saturdays - Work on your weaknesses in or out of the gym, if your needs are more cardio based work in 60 minutes of that, if they are more strength or skill based take some time to lift and practice skills or if more flexibility is your goal spend some focused time stretching.  Find a way to make fitness a priority on your own terms.  If there is more expressed interest in the future for Saturday classes to be added back we will do that then but for now Saturdays will be open gym only.