Monday, March 3, 2025

Week of 030325

Week of 030325
Monday Class at 5PM


Back Squat:

3-3-3-3-3  @75-80%

*After each set: 10 Weighted Box Step-Ups (light DBs, alternating)


As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 Minutes of:

3 Lateral Burpees Over Dumbbell (+3 every round)
3 DB Hang Clean & Press (50/35s) (+3 every round)
30ft Walking lunges

Wednesday Class at 5PM


Bench Press: 

5-5-5-5-5@ 75-85%

*After each set: 8 Chin-Ups


Every 3:30 Minutes for 5 Rounds:

18/15 Cal Bike
12 Double DB Thrusters (40/25)
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs 

Friday Class at 4:30PM



3-3-3-3-3 80-85%

*After each set: 12 Hanging Knee Raises


4 Rounds for Time: 

12 Heavy Russian KB Swings (Go One step heavier than usual)
10 Double Dumbbell Box Step-Overs (40/25)
15 Hand Release Pushups
Run 400M (Be safe, can sub with 28/25 cal bike if desired)

Saturday: Open Gym 8:30Am

Optional Conditioning:

On a 25 Minute Clock:

Team of 2 - (One Works, One Rests)

200Ft Double DB Farmers Carry (4x Down and Back)
100 Box Jumps 
200Ft Double DB Overhead Carry (4x Down and Back)
100 Wallballs 
200ft Double DB Front Rack Carry (4X Down and Back)
100 Strict Ring Rows 
*Max Calories Bike as a team until time expires

*Score is Calories on the bike
*Split Work as desired