Monday, April 30, 2018

April 30 2018

Real Food Challenge starts tomorrow.  Breakfast seems to be the most worried about meal so here's another option for you that you can easily pack and take with you or prepare in advance.  2-3 hard boiled eggs with yokes on top of varied lettuce mix and a banana.  It's that easy... Remember it's to fuel your body not entertain you. Don't get wrapped up in trying to make things fancier than they need to be.  Internet recipes and diet blog meals with 10 whole-food ingredients are great but we both know, come 5AM on a Tuesday you just need to eat and you're not going to start baking fritatas or following whatever else recipe Jan from work sent you.  Don't set yourself up for failure, keep it simple, get it done. 

Eggs with yoke = Protien with fat
Banana = Carbohoydrate
Lettuce = Vitamin dense greens

Class at 5PM and 6PM Today 


As Many Reps as possible in 15 Mins of:

30 Double Unders
15 Burpees
3 Front Squats
(goal is to use 1.25X your 20Rep Max for the day) 

*take it from the floor


Front Squat 
15 Mins to establish a 20 Rep Max

Friday, April 27, 2018

April 27 2018

Spring Cleaning time! 

It’s time to clean things up and put some discipline into action.  Tuesday is May 1st and for the month of May I am challenging you all to clean up what you are putting into your bodies for AT LEAST the entire month.  I know for sure that if you stay compliant you will see a difference in how you look, feel and perform.  Hopefully this will instill some good habits or open your eyes to some of the bad ones you’ve been carrying.  

Here’s the challenge: 

Starting May 1st I challenge you all to only eat and drink real food for the entire month.  I know nowadays that can be confusing because of all the nonsense you’ve been told or sold all over the place so I’ll make it as simple as possible for you.  IF IT WAS NOT ALIVE OR DID NOT COME FROM SOMETHING ALIVE DON’T EAT IT.  So what does that leave?  Plants, Animals and their produce (AKA REAL FOOD).  We could go crazy about portions and timing of meals and all of that but I’m not looking to do that within these first 31 days.  I just want to keep it simple and get you guys noticing how much NON FOOD you’ve been eating.  Don’t tell me you haven’t been, don’t tell me you don’t eat that much because I know…  The truth is if you are consistently working out hard with us 3-4 classes a week for as long as most of you have been and gaining weight or maintaining a body-fat percentage over 35% I know what you’re doing outside of the gym so I don’t need you to tell me.  Stick with this challenge and see what happens.  This can be a good opportunity for even those of you that don’t need to lose a ton of weight to fine tune your diets and see how you would benefit from clean eating and you all will.  If you are a male still over 15% bodyfat and a female still over 20% bodyfat this is how you should be eating and it will make a difference.  Until you’ve reached those numbers you need to worry less about what your adding to your diet and more about what you’re taking out, so I’ll answer your questions now: YES this means no protein shakes, YES this means no silly supplements you think are hyping you up before your workout or giving you the vitamins you need post workout, all of that was manmade and not part of this challenge. Not to mention if you are eating all real food, you don’t need to supplement! THE NUTRIENTS ARE IN THE FOOD!!!  YES you can drink coffee, BLACK (the beans grew from the ground) and NO, you can’t put sugar in it (even if it says natural on the packet, it's factory made) and finally no alcohol, the wine didn’t just come from grapes so unless you grew them and stomped them out yourself, no wine, it’s only a month, skip the paint and wine night with your friends and stick to the plan.  Let the food bring you the nutrition, energy and results, do this and get in here a MINUMUM of 3 classes a week and let's see what happens.  It's only one month, what do you have to lose?? 

A few easy guidelines:

Men should be eating 4-5 Meals per day
Women should be eating 3-4 Meals per day 

ALL Meals should look like this:

About a fist size of dead animal
About a fist size of Carbohydrate (Fruit,whole grain rice, oats, potatoes, beans etc)
About a thumb size of good fat,  (Nuts, oils, avacodo, cheese) 
About two fists of Greens (Broccoli, spinach, asparagus, lettuce)


* If the eggs have yokes these count as your fat for the meal
* If you’re cooking in oil this counts as your fat for the meal
* If your meat is less than 90% lean (Including chicken with skin and restaurant meat) this counts as your fat for the meal
* If you’re drinking Whole Milk this counts as your CARB and Fat for the meal
* Weigh yourself twice per week - If not losing weight at 2 week mark reevaluate your fist size!

THAT’S IT – Nothing on the side, nothing in between and nothing for dessert- STICK TO IT and see what happens, I don’t care about Cinco de Mayo, I don’t care about your brothers cookout, I don’t care about your friends birthday.  Suck it up, show some discipline, reap the benefits… It might get rough for those first couple days but you will get throught it.  There’s no cost to enter the challenge so congrats, you’re all in it. I will decide the winner based on effort, perseverance and results and announce it in June, with your prize, right when you’re all ready for the beach.   For the month of May I will hold open gym for unlimited members on Thursdays between 4 and 6 and anyone looking to track themselves more closely or be held accountable with weigh ins or body fat percentage measuring can do so with me during that time and also work on weaknesses or sneak in an extra fat burn workout .  Good Luck!!

Class at 5PM Today

There are currently a few open spots in our 6PM classes for new members - New members will need to meet with me for two, one on one sessions before joining group workouts. For more info about when and how you can start email me at:


Teams of 2 Complete as many Assault bike calories as possible in 10 minutes
switch every minute with 15 second transition

Rest 2 minutes

Teams of 2 Complete as many Reps as possible in 12 minutes:

8 Wallballs

6 Burpees to a Plate
4 D-Ball Cleans 100/70
*Switch every round


Back Squat

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

April 25 2018

Class at 5PM and 6PM Today


For Time:
50 SDHP 45/35
50 Thruster 45/35
50 Box Jumps

Rest until minute 10 then:

For Time:

25 SDHP 95/65
25 Thruster 95/65
25 Box Jumps


Push Press

Monday, April 23, 2018

April 23 2018

Class at 5PM and 6PM Today


As many rounds as possible in 30 Minutes of:

Run 400M 
Then: 2 rds of:
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Airsquats


Bench Press

Friday, April 20, 2018

April 20 2018

Class at 5pm today


Teams of 2 complete 12 rounds for time of:

12/9 Cals bike 
10 Dumbell Thrusters 
50 ft Dumbell Lunges 

Partner completes full round before switching 



Friday, April 13, 2018

April 13 2018

Class at 5PM Today 


Teams of 2
Begin each 5 Minute Round with a 400M Run AFAP (Together)
Then In remaining time complete Max Reps of:

Rd. 1 - Front Squats 95/65
Rd. 2 -  Push Jerks 115/75
Rd. 3 - Power Cleans 135/95
Rd. 4 - Deadlifts 225/155

Rest 2 Minutes Between Rounds
1 Person working at a time on Reps
Score is total reps



Wednesday, April 11, 2018

April 11 2018

 Class at 5PM and 6PM Today


 Teams of 2 Complete for Time:

75 Calories Bike
75 Overhead squats 95/65
75 Burpee Box Jump Overs
75 Pullups


Push Press 

Monday, April 9, 2018

April 9 2018

Class at 5PM and 6PM today

Casey is running the Boston Marathon next Monday, make sure to wish her luck and/or donate to her cause this week! She's worked hard through a brutal winter of training and all that hard work will pay off for her next Monday... To donate to her cause: CLICK HERE


As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 Minutes of: 

15 KB Swings 53/35
30 Wallballs
60 Double Unders

On The 2nd Minute for 14 Minutes Complete:
1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean + 2 Front Squats

Friday, April 6, 2018

April 6 2018

Class at 5PM Today 

Teams of 2 Complete

100 Reps For Time of:

1 Power Clean 105/70
1 Lunge (each Leg) 105/70
1 Push Press 105/70

* 1 Time through the complex equals 1 rep
Split work as desired



Wednesday, April 4, 2018

April 4 2018

Class at 5PM and 6PM Today


 Every Minute on the Minute for 20 minutes complete:

Min: 1
- 10/8 Calories Bike
Min: 2 - 5 DB Thrusters + 5 DB Devil Press 35/20
Min: 3 - 12 Over Unders
Min 4: 16 KB Swings 53/35
Min 5: Rest


5 Climbing Sets of:
1 Strict Press  + 4 Push Press


Monday, April 2, 2018

April 2 2018

Class at 5PM and 6PM Today


2 Rounds for Time of:

25 Snatch 95/65
25 Overhead Squats
25 Med Ball Cleans
25 Wallballs
25 Situps
25 Toes To Bar

*16 Minute Cap


On The 2nd Minute for 14 Minutes Complete:

3 Power Snatch + 3 Overhead Squats