Friday, August 30, 2019

August 30 2019

 Class at 5PM Today
Holiday Weekend Schedule:
Saturday August 31:
  Tomorrows morning class meets at Wachusett Mountain for a group hike - Hike starts at 8:30AM
Meet at - 345 Mountain Rd. Princeton, Ma.  
Friends and Family Welcome
Monday September 2:
No PM Classes - 1 Class at 9AM 
 For Time:
100 Walking Lunges
Run 400M 
40 Pullups
Run 400M 
30 Toes to bar
Run 400M
20 Pullups
Run 400M 
15 Toes to Bar 
100 Walking Lunges
Weighted Strict Pullups
*If Less than 3 Unbroken Strict pullups: Accumulate 50 Strict Pullups

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

August 28 2019

Class at 5PM and 6PM Today

3 Rounds for Time of:

15 Power Snatches 95/65
 30 Wallballs


5 Climbing Sets of:

3 Strict Press + 4 Push Press


This Saturdays Class meets at Wachusett Mountain for a group hike - Hike starts at 8:30AM
Meet at - 345 Mountain Rd. Princeton, Ma.  
Friends and Family Welcome

Monday, August 26, 2019

August 26 2019

 Class at 5PM and 6PM Today 


For Time:
30 Front Squats 115/75
30 Burpees
60 Double Unders
20 Front Squats
20 Burpees
40 Double Unders
10 Front Squats
10 Burpees
20 Double Unders


Back Squat 

Friday, August 23, 2019

August 24 2019

Warm Up with a 1 Mile run as a group then come in and complete 3 rounds of: 

50Ft Toy Soldiers 
50Ft High Knees 
15 Pushups 
15 Airsquats

Then as most Saturdays go just 1 conditioning workout and you are done, take some time to load and climb up to appropriate weight on the barbell and Kettlebell, make sure everyone is safely moving and understands the workout and begin.  

As Many Rounds as Possible in 25 Minutes of:

30 KB Swings 53/35
30 Push Presses 95/65
Run 400M
20 Toes To Bar

Goal here should be to keep a nice consistent pace throughout, each movement has a decent amount of reps to it and you should not be scaling the weight to make sure it is unbroken.  I would say that if you can do 10 reps fresh with the weight then you should use it, if not then that is how you should choose a weight.  Keep them to push presses not jerks, so we are going to full extension overhead with just a dip and a drive.  Toes to bar should be broken into manageable sets because over the coarse of 25 minutes they will add up so a good approach might be quick sets of 3-5 reps throughout so we never hit failure and have to weight too long before returning to the bar.  If we are scaling the toes to bar we should be doing hanging knee raises instead.  Goal as it’s written should be between 3 and 4 rounds, if you get more, you’re a stud…IF and only if it is pouring out sub the 400M Run with 30 Burpees, otherwise everyone’s running….

Over 60 Year old version:

As Many Rounds as Possible in 25 Minutes of:

30 KB Swings to eye level
30 Strict presses (slow and controlled, no dip) 15# Bar Only
Run 400M 
20 Situps

August 23 2019

Good Luck to Annabelle whos off to Saint Anselm College this week
She'll most definitely be missed

Class at 5PM Today


3 Rounds for Time of:
50 Wallballs
40 Med-ball Situps
30/25 Calories Bike
20 Hand Release Pushups


Barbell Row



Saturday August 31st Saturday morning class (Labor Day Weekend) 

We will be at Wachusett mountain for a group hike.  

We will meet and plan to begin the hike at 8:30AM at Wachusett State Reservation - 345 Mountain Rd in Princeton, Ma. (Leave early, carpool and get there on time.)  Ruck sacks, weighted vests, family and friends encouraged and welcome.  Lets get it done.

Saturday September 14th:

Roy has invited everyone to join him on a hike of Mt. Washington in September in memory of  MIT police officer Sean Collier.
Those of you planning on attending this hike should get your name on the board at the club 

A list of essential items to bring will be out this week

We hope you can join us for the 7th Annual Sean Collier Climb to Mount Washington.  In an effort to attract more hikers,  Sean's father Allen has chosen a trail that is less time consuming than the Ammonoosuc.   On September 14th, please rendezvous at the AMC (American Mountain Club) Pinkham’s Notch Visiting Center, @ 7:00 a.m. located at 361 NH-16 Gorham, NH, 03581.  We will stage there to ascend Tuckerman’s Ravine.

Tuckerman’s Ravine is a beautiful and much shorter hike than the Ammonoosuc Trail, which we have climbed every year up until this season.  It is approximately  2 to 2 1/2 hour hike to the top, compared to the usual 4 to 4 1/2 hour of Ammonoosuc.  There are shuttle vans available at the peak which will bring you back down to the parking lot.   Otherwise, we are planning on hiking down the Lion’s Head Trail.   Dogs are welcome to hike, however, they are not permitted in the transportation vans.

The parking area at Pinkham’s Notch has a restaurant where there is food and beverage.  Many of us will meet for lunch after the climb.   Please save the date.  We had a great showing last year, and hope to do the same for this year.  Also, please forward/Facebook this email to anyone you think may be interested, even if you are not planning to attend the hike yourself. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

August 21 2019

Class at 5PM and 6PM Today 

For Time:

50 Dumbell Box Step Ups 50/35
25 Pullups
30 Power Snatch 95/65
25 Pullups
50 Dumbbell Box Step Ups 50/35


Bench Press

Monday, August 19, 2019

August 19 2019

Class at 5PM and 6PM Today 

 For Time: 
Bar Facing Burpees
Hang Squat Cleans

Rest 3 Mins Then:

Bar Facing Burpees
Push Jerks


Front Squat 

Thursday, August 15, 2019

August 16 2019

Congrats to Priyanka on another Spartan Race Finish..

Class at 5PM Today 


Teams of 2 Complete as many rounds as possible in 18 Minutes of: 

Bike 15/12 Calories
15 Bodyweight Deadlifts

Partner 1 completes full round as fast as possible and then rests while partner 2 does the same..

 Without consistency there will never be conditioning...

5 Climbing Sets of:

2 Strict Press + 3 Push Press


In preparation for the Mt. Washington hike Roy has invited us to on September 14th we will be moving the August 31st Saturday morning class (Labor Day Weekend) to Wachusett mountain for a group hike.  We will meet and plan to begin the hike at 8:30AM at Wachusett State Reservation - 345 Mountain Rd in Princeton, Ma. (Leave early, carpool and get there on time.)  Ruck sacks, weighted vests, family and friends encouraged and welcome.  Lets get it done.

September 14th Hike Details - 

Roy has invited everyone to join him on a hike of Mt. Washington in September in memory of  MIT police officer Sean Collier.  I think it would be a great idea to take the hike on as a group.  There are details below about logistics but anyone interested in joining should talk to Roy and get the conversation going.

We hope you can join us for the 7th Annual Sean Collier Climb to Mount Washington.  In an effort to attract more hikers,  Sean's father Allen has chosen a trail that is less time consuming than the Ammonoosuc.   On September 14th, please rendezvous at the AMC (American Mountain Club) Pinkham’s Notch Visiting Center, @ 7:00 a.m. located at 361 NH-16 Gorham, NH, 03581.  We will stage there to ascend Tuckerman’s Ravine.

Tuckerman’s Ravine is a beautiful and much shorter hike than the Ammonoosuc Trail, which we have climbed every year up until this season.  It is approximately  2 to 2 1/2 hour hike to the top, compared to the usual 4 to 4 1/2 hour of Ammonoosuc.  There are shuttle vans available at the peak which will bring you back down to the parking lot.   Otherwise, we are planning on hiking down the Lion’s Head Trail.   Dogs are welcome to hike, however, they are not permitted in the transportation vans.

The parking area at Pinkham’s Notch has a restaurant where there is food and beverage.  Many of us will meet for lunch after the climb.   Please save the date.  We had a great showing last year, and hope to do the same for this year.  Also, please forward/Facebook this email to anyone you think may be interested, even if you are not planning to attend the hike yourself. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

August 14 2019

Class at 5PM and 6PM Today 


3 Rounds for Time of:
35 Wallballs
15 Pushups
10 Power Cleans 115/75


On The 2nd Minute for 14 Minutes Complete:

1 High Hang Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Power Clean 

Climb AFA

Monday, August 12, 2019

August 12 2019

 Class at 5PM and 6PM Today

 For Time:

50 ManMakers 40/25

*Begin every minute with 6 Box Jump Overs




Barbell Row 

Friday, August 9, 2019

August 9 2019

 Class at 5PM Today 


As Many Rounds as possible in 20 Minutes of: 

30 KB Swings
25 Airsquats
15 Box Jumps
10 Chest to Bar Pullups 

*If you're strong wear a vest




Roy has invited everyone to join him on a hike of Mt. Washington in September in memory of  MIT police officer Sean Collier.  I think it would be a great idea to take the hike on as a group.  There are details below about logistics but anyone interested in joining should talk to Roy and get the conversation going.

We hope you can join us for the 7th Annual Sean Collier Climb to Mount Washington.  In an effort to attract more hikers,  Sean's father Allen has chosen a trail that is less time consuming than the Ammonoosuc.   On September 14th, please rendezvous at the AMC (American Mountain Club) Pinkham’s Notch Visiting Center, @ 7:00 a.m. located at 361 NH-16 Gorham, NH, 03581.  We will stage there to ascend Tuckerman’s Ravine.

Tuckerman’s Ravine is a beautiful and much shorter hike than the Ammonoosuc Trail, which we have climbed every year up until this season.  It is approximately  2 to 2 1/2 hour hike to the top, compared to the usual 4 to 4 1/2 hour of Ammonoosuc.  There are shuttle vans available at the peak which will bring you back down to the parking lot.   Otherwise, we are planning on hiking down the Lion’s Head Trail.   Dogs are welcome to hike, however, they are not permitted in the transportation vans.

The parking area at Pinkham’s Notch has a restaurant where there is food and beverage.  Many of us will meet for lunch after the climb.   Please save the date.  We had a great showing last year, and hope to do the same for this year.  Also, please forward/Facebook this email to anyone you think may be interested, even if you are not planning to attend the hike yourself. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

August 7 2019

Class at 5PM and 6PM


For Time:

Run 800M
75 Thrusters 45/35
50 Burpees


Push Press

Monday, August 5, 2019

August 5 2019

Class at 5PM and 6PM Today 


 As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 Minutes Of:

12 Dumbell Squats
15 Dumbell Floor Press
18 Dumbell Weighted Situps
36 Double Unders



Bench Press

Friday, August 2, 2019

August 2 2019

Class at 5PM Today


2 Rounds of:
Run 800M 
30 KB Swings

Directly into:

2 Rounds of:
Run 400M
15 Toes To Bar


Weighted Pullups 

*Go Heavy

**If < 3 Strict Unbroken Pullups
accumulate 50 Strict Pullups