Sunday, January 21, 2024

Week of 012224 and February Challenge

Week of 012224

Monday: Class at 5:00 PM

Warmup with a 3-5 Min Jog

Then 3 Rounds of:

10 Airsquats 
5 Rollover Vsits 
5 High Reach Burpees 
10 Lunges 


As Many Rounds as Possible in 4 Minutes of: 

8 Devils Press (35/20 Goal) 
12 Pullups 
80 Double Unders (or 160 Singles)

Rest 2 Minutes

As Many Rounds as Possible In 4 Minutes of: 

16 Dumbbell Front Rack Lunges (35/20 Goal)
6 Burpee Pullups 
16 Box Jump Overs 

Rest 2 Minutes and repeat (total of 4, 4 minute cycles)


Front Squats 

Use 65% Across 


2 Min Sumo Squat 
1 Min Low Dragon Each Side 
2 Min Saddle


Class at 5:00 PM

Warmup with 5 Mins of Bike Then 3 Rounds of:

3 Strict Pullups 
6 Pushups 
12 Toe Touches 
24 Mountain Climbers 


2 Min Standing Straddle
1 Min Single Leg Forward Fold Each Side 
2 Min Pigeon Each Side 


Barbell Row

*Slow Controlled reps with 12 Pushups immediately after each set 

Conditioning: No Time Cap

5 Rounds For Time of:

18/13 Calories Bike
18 Wallballs 
4 Deadlifts @ 70% Max

Rest 2 Minutes after round 4 only and then hit round 5 as fast as possible.

Friday: Class at 5:00 PM 

Warmup with 5 Mins of Bike and then: 

3 Rounds of: 

5 Deadlifts 
5 Hang Cleans 
5 Front Squats 
5 Strict Press 
10 Situps 

* Empty Bar


2 Childs Pose
1 Min Saddle Archer Each Side
2 Min  Sumo Squat


OT1:30 for 5 Sets Complete: 

3 Power Cleans + 3 Push Press

Climb AFA (last set should be heavy if form is there)

Conditioning: 15 Minute Cap

4 Rounds For Time of: 

12 Power Cleans 
12 Push Press
12 Toes To Bar 
12 Lateral Burpees  

*Using roughly 55% of Days Complex Max - No Heavier than 115/80

Saturday: Class at 8:30AM

Dynamic Class Warmup 

Strength & Conditioning:

3 Mins on 1 min off for 8 rounds complete: 

8/6 Cals Bike
8 Front Squats (Goal 75/55)
8 Front Rack Lunges 
Max H.R. Pushups in remaining time 


Pigeon Pose – 2 mins each side
Single leg forward fold – 1 min each side
Puppy Dog Pose – 2 Minutes
Seated Forward Fold – 2 Minutes
Wrist stretches – 1 Min Each Side
Twisted Cross – 1 Min Each Side
Butterfly Groin Stretch – 2 Minutes
Thread the needle – 2 Min each side
Seated straddle – 2 Minutes

It's time for a new group challenge and I am encouraging you all to take part in it. I am hoping to see you all build and incorporate some new habits into your day to day. I'm not looking for you to count calories or even purposely cut calories, I'm not looking for weigh ins or promises to never eat dessert again, I'm just looking for you to recognize and prioritize the quality of the foods you're eating and the way we are moving and maintaining our bodies (and minds) outside of the gym. This doesn't have to get overly complicated or super restrictive to make this happen so with a few small tweaks and a little bit of commitment I think a lot of you will see some real benefit with just these small additions so here's the challenge:

No Fucking Around February

(29 Days of Commitment to building new/quality habits)

Daily Tasks: 

  • No restaurant food (Forget Valentines Day, grow up, cook your lover a meal..)
  • 1 Gallon of water a day (1/2 for women) minimum
  • Minimum 800 grams men, 600 grams women of fruits and vegetables per day (weighed raw)
  • Minimum of bodyweight pounds in grams for Men, .7 grams for women of protein per day (preferably from animal sources)
  • No Alcohol (Train some self-control, forget the Superbowl, show some discipline, traditions that don't better you are useless)
  • Choose either a 15 min stretch session or a 20 min walk everyday ALONE, no phone, no music...... (Can be split into 2, 10 min walks)
Weekly Tasks: (begin Feb 4)
  • Attend a minimum (3) 60 min group classes per week. (Attending a class at another gym counts as 1/2 a point.)
  • 1 added 60 min session of exercise ALONE per week on any day you decide (Preferably walking, jogging, biking or bodyweight movement not looking for resistance training here)
And that's it, so many challenges are more about taking things away from you than adding things and that's what is different here. We're trying to build NEW habits so in order to do that we need to add some things. Maybe they'll take the place of something you usually do or usually have on your plate or something you typically do at a certain time and maybe they won't and will end up just an addition to those things. Either way, staying committed to something for 29 days (as best you can) gives you a much better chance of creating a new habit than just sitting there saying, "One day I'm going to start that." Find times to fit these new things in and stay consistent with them, consistency builds habits, if a time keeps getting pushed off or changed because life keeps happening, that's not the right time for it, get up earlier, sneak out on lunch break, stop watching TV or scrolling a little earlier at night and make time for it. Get a food scale, eat intentionally, understand what portion sizes should look like by weighing out those grams. I am also recommending everyone download the Chronometer food tracking app and practicing logging your food to help keep track of some of these goal numbers.

So how do I win this challenge? You will all get a checklist with these daily and weekly tasks on it. For every task completed you check it off. At the end of the month you add up all the checks.

Points System:
  • For every day that all daily tasks are completed you get 6 Points (subtract 1 point per missed task)
  • For every week that all weekly tasks are completed you get 2 Points (subtract 1 point per missed task)
  • For every day you track your food intake in Chronometer you get 1 point. 
Tasks only count for 1 point per day so no, you can't take 2 walks and make up for eating at a restaurant to still get 6 points. Maybe you don't care about winning and only want to try and build a few or even just one of these habits, that's fine too. Participate as much or as little as you'd like. Tracking with the app will help you keep track of grams of fruits and vegetables as well as protein grams, but nothing is mandatory. We all know which habits or if some or all would benefit us most so there's no harm in entering the month not with the goal of winning but instead just cleaning up or building a healthy habit or two. I think tracking in the app is super helpful and helps people recognize how much or how little they are actually eating as opposed to what they perceive they're doing but post it notes or notes on your phone are just as easy. If you'd rather just jot down the grams of protein, fruits and vegetables that you eat at each meal and in between and then add it up at the end of the day that is perfectly fine too. Just stay honest, the whole thing is based on the honor system and its for your own benefit so if you aren't honest about your days, you're only lying to yourself, and chances are we already know.  Checklist below will be available over the next couple weeks for you to grab but I wanted to put it out there for you to possibly plan ahead or so that if you had any questions, you could let us know... Good Luck...

Sample Checklist:

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