Sunday, July 7, 2024

Week Of 070824


                                                                    Week Of 070824

Monday: Class at 4:00 and 5:00 PM

Warmup with 5 Min Jog Then 3 Rounds of:

5 Kip Swings 
5 Burpees 
5 Rollover V Sits  
10 Airsquats 


2 Min Sumo Squat 
1 Min Supine Twist Each Side 
2 Min Childs Pose 


As Many Rounds as Possible in 20 Minutes of: 

3 Strict Pullups 
5 Dumbbell Seated Strict Press 50/35 Goal 
9 KB Swings (70/53 or a bit Heavier than typical)


Barbell Row

A weight that can be done without bouncing weight for every slow controlled rep 

Wednesday: Class at 4:00 and 5:00 PM

Warmup with 5 Mins of Bike Then 3 Rounds of:

5 Burpees
15 Airquats 
10 Situps 
20 Jumping Lunges 


2 Min Sumo Squat
1 Min Seal 
1 Min Twisted Cross Each side 


Bench Press

Use Roughly 55% Across

Conditioning: 20 Min Cap Including Rest 

5 Rounds Each For Time of: 

10/8 Calories Bike 
10 Lateral Burpees Over The Bar 
10 Squat Clean Thrusters 
Rest 2 Minutes 

Goal Weight: 95/65 (Ability to go unbroken when fresh)

Friday: One Class at 4:30PM

Warmup with: 800M Run Then 3 Rounds of:

15 Airsquats
50 Foot Bear Crawl 
12 Situps 
50 Foot Broad Jumps 
9 Pushups 
50 Foot Shuttle Run 


Back Squat

Using Roughly 55% 1 RM Across


5 Rounds of: 

1 Min: Burpees
1 Min: Push Press
1 Min: Bike Cals 
1 Min: Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 
1 Min: Toes To Bar
1 Min: Rest 

*Score is Total reps 
*Goal Weight: 75/55


1 Min Twisted Cross each side 
1 Min Lizard Each Side
2 Min Sumo Squat 
1 Min Down Dog
Saturday: OPEN GYM at 8:30am

Suggested Workout: 

5 Rounds For Time of:

Run 400M
30 Box Jumps 
30 Wallballs 

Goal Time: Under 35 Mins 


Pigeon Pose – 2 mins each side
Single leg forward fold – 1 min each side
Puppy Dog Pose – 2 Minutes
Seated Forward Fold – 2 Minutes
Wrist stretches – 1 Min Each Side
Twisted Cross – 1 Min Each Side
Butterfly Groin Stretch – 2 Minutes
Thread the needle – 2 Min each side
Seated straddle – 2 Minutes

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