Sunday, August 4, 2024

Week Of 080524

Week Of 080524

Monday: Class at 4PM and 5PM 

Warmup with 5 Mins of Bike then 3 Rounds of: 

10 Airsquats 
20 Lunges 
15 Toe Touches 
10 Toy Soldiers
3 Min Saddle
2 Min Sumo Squat
1 Min Seal


Front Squat 

*Climb From 60% to 80% for The Last 3 doubles


As Many Rounds as Possible in 10 Minutes of: 

25 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (53/35 Goal)
10 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 Goal) 
5 Deadlifts @ 65% 1 RM (No Heavier than 275/185)

Wednesday: Class at 4:00PM and 5:00 PM

Warmup with 5 Mins of Bike Then 3 Rounds of:

10 Broad Jumps 
10 Airsquats 
8 Pushups 
5 Pullups 


2 Min Forward Fold
1 Min Sumo Squat 
2 Min Pigeon Strech each side 
5 Rounds of 3 Mins on 1 Min off of: 

15 Toes To Bar 
15 Burpees To A Target 
Max Power Cleans in Time Remaining (135/95 Goal)

* If Using 135/95 It should not be more than 60% of your max Power Clean 

Bench Press

*Climb From 60% to 80% for The Last 3 doubles
Friday: Class at 4:30 PM 
Warmup with 5 Mins of Bike then 3 Rounds of: 

10 Airsquats 
5 Burpees
10 Situps 
5 Rollover V sits 
2 Min Sumo Squat
1 Min Supine Twist Each side 
1 Min Chids Pose 


For Time: 12 Min Time Cap 

150 Wallballs 

* ON The 0-2-4-6-8 and so on until wallballs are complete stop and do 10 Pullups 

Push Jerk

Take From the floor, use 70% Clean and Jerk Max Across all sets 
Saturday: CLASS AT 8:30AM
Strength and Skill: 

OT1:30 x 7

3 Snatch Pulls 
3 Hang Power Snatch 
3 Overhead Squats 

Climb AFA

Conditioning: 20 Min Cap 

5 Rounds For Time of: 

Run 400M 
15 Overhead Squats (95/65 Goal)


Pigeon Pose – 2 mins each side
Single leg forward fold – 1 min each side
Puppy Dog Pose – 2 Minutes
Seated Forward Fold – 2 Minutes
Wrist stretches – 1 Min Each Side
Twisted Cross – 1 Min Each Side
Butterfly Groin Stretch – 2 Minutes
Thread the needle – 2 Min each side
Seated straddle – 2 Minutes

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