Sunday, September 8, 2024

Week Of 090924

Week Of 090924

Monday: Class at 4PM and 5PM
Warmup with 5 Mins of Bike Then 3 Rounds of:

5 Inchworms 
20 Airsquats  
5 No Pushup Burpees 
10 Situps 


2 Min Sumo Squat 
1 Min Twisted Cross Each Side
1 Min Seated Forward Fold 
1 Min Seal
Conditioning: 13 Min Cap 

2 Rounds of: 

21 Front Squats (Goal 95/65)
15 Pushups 

Rest 1 Minute Then: 

2 Rounds of: 

21 Pushups 
15 Front Squats (Goal 135/95)

* Both weights should be something you can do unbroken in the first round, if not scale to an appropritate weight but make sure the 2nd couplet is heavier than the first.  

Bench Press 
8-8-8-Max unbroken 

Using 65% 1 RM Across

Wednesday: Class at 4PM and 5PM
Warmup with 5 Mins of Bike Then 3 Rounds of:

10 Airsquats 
10 Pushups 
15 Situps 
10 Jumping Lunges 


1 Min Sumo Squat 
2 Min Seated Straddle  
1 Min Single Leg Forward Fold 
1 Min Childs Pose 

Conditioning: 20 Min Cap

For Time: 

50 Box Jumps 
50 Jumping Pullups 
50 KB Swings (53/35 Goal)
50 Walking Lunge Steps 
50 Knees To Elbows 
50 Empty Barbell Push Presses 45/35
50 Supermans 
50 Wall Balls
50 Burpees 
50 Double Unders 

Barbell Row

Go Heavy! Make reps 4 and 5 very difficult but not bouncy..

Friday: Class at 4:30 PM 
Warmup with 5 Mins of Bike then 3 Rounds of: 

20 Lunges
5 Rollover V Sits 
10 Airsquats 
5 Pullups 
2 Min Standing Forward Fold 
1 Min Pigeon Each side 
2 Min Sumo Squat 


Front Rack Lunges 

* Build to a heavy set of 8 and stay there for all 5 sets 
Rest at least 2 minutes between sets 
* Take From the rack 


4 Rounds For Time of: 

30 Dumbbell Snatch (Goal 50/35)
15 Pullups 
Run 400M 

Saturday: Class AT 8:30AM

On The 4th Minute for 6 RDS Complete:

15/12 Cals Bike 
12 Toes To Bar 
8 (Barbell Movement)

* Rd 1 - Power Cleans 
* Rd 2 - Jerks 
* Rd 3 - Clean and Jerks 

Goal 95/65


Pigeon Pose – 2 mins each side
Single leg forward fold – 1 min each side
Puppy Dog Pose – 2 Minutes
Seated Forward Fold – 2 Minutes
Wrist Stretches – 1 Min Each Side
Twisted Cross – 1 Min Each Side
Butterfly Groin Stretch – 2 Minutes
Thread the needle – 2 Min each side
Seated straddle – 2 Minutes

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