Back Squat:3-3-3-3-3 @75-80%
*After each set: 10 Weighted Box Step-Ups (light DBs, alternating)
3 Lateral Burpees Over Dumbbell (+3 every round)
3 DB Hang Clean & Press (50/35s) (+3 every round)
30ft Walking lunges
Wednesday Class at 5PM
Bench Press:
5-5-5-5-5@ 75-85%
*After each set: 8 Chin-Ups
Every 3:30 Minutes for 5 Rounds:
18/15 Cal Bike
12 Double DB Thrusters (40/25)
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs
Friday Class at 4:30PM
3-3-3-3-3 80-85%
*After each set: 12 Hanging Knee Raises
4 Rounds for Time:
12 Heavy Russian KB Swings (Go One step heavier than usual)
10 Double Dumbbell Box Step-Overs (40/25)
15 Hand Release Pushups
Run 400M (Be safe, can sub with 28/25 cal bike if desired)
Saturday: Open Gym 8:30Am
Optional Conditioning:
On a 25 Minute Clock:
Team of 2 - (One Works, One Rests)200Ft Double DB Farmers Carry (4x Down and Back)
200Ft Double DB Overhead Carry (4x Down and Back)
*Split Work as desired