Sunday, February 2, 2025

Week Of 020325

Week Of 020325

Dynamic Group Warmup 


With a Partner Complete As Many Rounds as possible in 30 Mins of: 

Run 400M (Together)
30 Power Cleans 135/95
40 Pullups 
50 Wallballs 
60 Cal Bike 

*Split all Reps as desired


Back Squat 
@ 80-85% Max 

*15 Split Squats each leg after each set

Wednesday: Class at 5PM  

Dynamic Group Warmup 


As Many Rounds as Possible in 20 Minutes of: 

10 Burpee Pullups 
10 Toes To Bar 
20 KB Swings 
30 Double Unders 

* Scale will be 10 Burpees/10 Gorilla Rows for those challenged by gravity..


Strict Press

Using Roughly 65% Across 

Friday: Class at 4:30 PM - 

Dynamic Group Warmup 

Conditioning: Time Cap 18 Mins

Thrusters 95/65
Bar facing Burpees

Rest 3 Minutes Then: 

Deadlifts 225/155
Box Jumps 


OT2M X 5 

2 Clean and Jerks + 3 Front Squats 

@ Roughly 75% Clean and Jerk Max Across 

Saturday: Open Gym 8:30AM - 10:00AM 

No Structured Class on Saturdays - Work on your weaknesses in or out of the gym, if your needs are more cardio based work in 60 minutes of that, if they are more strength or skill based take some time to lift and practice skills or if more flexibility is your goal spend some focused time stretching.  Find a way to make fitness a priority on your own terms.  If there is more expressed interest in the future for Saturday classes to be added back we will do that then but for now Saturdays will be open gym only.  

Current Schedule:
Group Fitness Class Rates and Schedule: Current Membership Options: ‪DBSC Unlimited – Adult Group Classes Meet every Monday, Wednesday at 5pm, Friday at 4:30PM and Open Gym Sat 8:30AM - $65.00/Month
Middle School and High School Group Classes Meet every Monday and Thursday at 6PM - $100/Month -

New members looking to inquire about classes

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