Sunday, May 5, 2024

Week of 050524


Week Of 050624


Class at 4:00 and 5:00 PM

Warmup with a 3-5 Min Jog

Then 3 Rounds of:

10 Step Back Lunges 
15 Toe Touches 
20 Shoulder Taps 
20 Sec Plank


As Many Rounds as Possible in 10 Minutes of: 

30 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull 53/35
20 KB Pull Throughs 53/35
15 Goblet Squats 53/35


Dumbbell Bench Press

5 Sets of 12 Reps 
Using a weight, you could perform 15 reps with across all sets.. 


1 Min Seal or Sphinx
1 Min Spinal Twist (each side)
2 Min Forward Fold

Class at 4:00 and 5:00 PM
Warmup with 5 Mins of Bike Then 3 Rounds of: 
5 Kip Swings 
5 Empty Barbell Strict Press 
24 FlutterKicks 


2 Min Puppy Dog Pose 
1 Min Thread the Needle Each Side
1 Min Twisted Lizard Each side 

 Conditioning: 15 Minute Cap 

3 Rounds for Time of: 

Run 400M 
12 Pullups 
12 Push Press Using 70% of Strict Press Max 
24 Situps 


7 Sets on the 1:30 of: 

3 Deadlifts 
3 Hang Power Cleans
3 Front Squats 

*Using 65% of Hang Power Clean Max

Class at 4:00 and 5:00PM
Warmup with: 800M Run Then 3 Rounds of: 

10 Alternating Toy Soldiers 
10 Inchworms 
10 Tempo Squats 

Front Squat 

*Pause in bottom for all reps 

 Conditioning:  15 Minute Time Cap 

4 Rounds for Time of: 

7 Hang Squat Cleans
21 Box Jump Overs 
7 Hang Squat Cleans 
21 Hand Release Pushups 

 * Use 40% Max Hang Squat Clean 

2 Min Sumo Squat 
1 Min Wrist each side
2 Min Seal Pose  
1 Min Twisted Cross Each side


Class at 8:30am
Warmup With: 3-5 Min Run Then:
Dynamic Group Warm Up

On the Minute for 20 Minutes Complete: 

Min 1: Dumbbell Overhead Carry 100 Foot 40/25
Min 2: 12 Burpees 
Min 3: D Ball Carry 100 Foot 
Min 4: Bike 10/8 Calories 
Min 5: 50 Double Unders 

Pigeon Pose – 2 mins each side
Single leg forward fold – 1 min each side
Puppy Dog Pose – 2 Minutes
Seated Forward Fold – 2 Minutes
Wrist stretches – 1 Min Each Side
Twisted Cross – 1 Min Each Side
Butterfly Groin Stretch – 2 Minutes
Thread the needle – 2 Min each side
Seated straddle – 2 Minutes

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