Wednesday, October 9, 2019

October 9 2019

It's always funny to me when people in class just assume I never eat anything that is considered “unhealthy.” or when they're surprised to see me eating something, "off the list" like it's my first time.  Yes, the majority of my meals are built with my health and performance in mind (and so should yours be) but that does not mean that I don’t eat a cookie (or 5) here and there or have a bowl of ice cream every now and then.  I just know and keep in mind that it is the consistency of my eating and exercise habits that allow me to do that without it becoming a big deal.  I know and remember that this is a treat that does not benefit my health and performance and that because those things are a priority for me, I will be right back on my regular schedule come the next meal.  I don’t throw out all the healthy choices I planned to make for that day, week, month or lifetime because I gave in to a break in my “Diet” I just simply enjoy the cupcake and move on knowing that the other 95% of my life/eating is well planned and outweighs this small thing.  Now, when I say, “Diet” I am referring to my overall consistent intake of foods.  A big problem is that what most people refer to as a “Diet”  they consider a temporary thing, like a time of sacrifice or a Lenten period, it shouldn’t be seen that way. You should be thinking of your diet as simply what you eat regularly not which temporary fad you are subscribing to this season.   The only “Diet” people should be trying to learn about and subscribing to is finding out what works for them that gives them the energy and nutrition they need to match the demand they put on their body while feeling good and maintaining a healthy body weight, not gaining, not losing, but maintaining.  Obviously if you are starting out over or under-weight you need to restrict or add to your calories to get to your goal but doing so should be done by controlling the quantity of the very same foods that are regularly and are going to always be available to you that you plan to eat for the rest of your life and then when that goal is reached you maintain your weight by adjusting the amounts of those same foods you take in because yes, all fad diets work, a consistent restriction of calories whether they come from carbohydrates, fats, a set time of day or just simple controlled portions will give you weight loss but nothing matters unless it is sustainable as a lifestyle and not just a temporary thing because as soon as you reach your goal and switch back to eating how you always have (your regular diet) you will also return to the weight that you were without learning anything about how to eat for the long term healthily.  This happens all the time, a client sets a goal, gets motivated and inspired as they see results and they continue to make good decisions over a period of time that bring them to reach their goal, they are proud of themselves for a little bit but then they relax completely and after all the excitement wears off they end up right back where they started.  There are a lot of times as a trainer you feel like you’ve failed with someone but this is pretty close to the worst kind of failure you feel because you know through all of it, they haven't learned anything about eating right.  This is why I hate it when I hear about people telling me they are following some new “diet” they heard about or paid for instead of taking the time to learn what they should be eating and why they’re eating it.  This idea of latching on to new ways of eating for a period of time is exactly why people also have this false idea that people who are maintaining their goal weight are living in complete seclusion and deprivation from the real world and allow for zero deviation, this is just absolutely not true and 100% why this type of thinking stays around and weight loss remains such a big business/scam.  So what should we be asking ourselves when choosing and learning about the foods (once living things) we need to regularly include in our life-long “diet” to feel,age and perform our best
  • Do we want to stay strong?  -   If yes, do so with protein. Where do you get protein? -   Dead animals...Eat them...
  • Do we want to have energy to stay awake, think clearly and use our muscles?  - If yes, do so with carbohydratesWhere do you get carbohydrates?  Fruits,and vegetables (and depending on your activity level, some starches and/or whole grains.)
  • Do we want healthy joints, hair and skin?  - If yes, do so with fats.  Where do we get fats?  Often in those same dead animals we ate to stay strong and the natural oils we cook them in and also in small amounts of nuts and seeds.  
  • Do you want to be able to digest all this food? - If yes, do so with leafy greens and other fibrous vegetables.  
Fill your plates like this, splitting it into meals that accumulate and equal the appropriate amount of daily calories (goal weight X 10-12/day) do it everyday and only adjust based on the scale, how you feel or by using a mirror and you won’t crave, need or have room in your "diet"  for the junk that does nothing good for you.  Will there be birthday parties, holidays or "Just for the hell of it" times that you eat something for pleasure, of course there will be but I promise you, if you are honestly eating this way with consistency it will not matter and instead of feeling down on yourself for deviating or riding a constant roller coaster of weight loss and gain you can be proud that you can eat it and enjoy it because you know it is now such a small percentage of your intake and it is outweighed and handled by and because of all the positive choices you make regularly. 

Class at 5PM and 6PM Today 


On The 2nd minute for 18 Minutes Complete:

At 0:00: Run 400M
At 2:00: 25 Double Unders + 15 Wallballs + 25 Pushups
At 4:00: Run 400M
At 6:00: 10 Burpees + 15 KB Swings + 30 Situps

*Repeat cycle 3 Times


Strict Press

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