Monday, November 30, 2015

November 30 2015


6 Rounds for Time of:

24 Airsquats
24 Pushups
24 Walking Lunge Steps
75 Double Unders (150 Singles)

**25 Minute Time Cap


Strict Press

Thursday, November 26, 2015

November 27 2015

Class at 9am & 5pm Friday

Post Thanksgiving Workout:

Teams of 2 or 3 complete the following for time:

Run 800M
150 Situps
100 Back Squats 115/75
50 Shoulder to overhead 115/75
25 Partner wallballs (both partners must stop every 5 reps and do 5 burpees)
50 Shoulder to overhead 115/75
100 Back squats 115/75
150 Situps
Run 800M

Work is split between team any way desired...

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

November 25 2015

Class at 9AM, 5PM and 6PM Tonight


Teams of 2 Complete as many rounds as possible in 18 Minutes of:

9 Deadlifts 225/155
12 H.R. Pushups
15 Box Jumps

Partner completes full round before switching - Score is number of total rounds

* If you are scaling the Deadlifts in this workout it should be about 25% lighter than what was used last week in the team Deadlift workout.  If you weren't here for it (get your life together) look to be at about 50-60% of your 1 rep max deadlift. If you are unsure, ask...


Barbell Row 

As always there is no group class on Thursday, Since a lot of people have the day off and want to workout there will be an open gym block from 8:00-9:30am - During this time you can come in and work on a weakness or hit a workout you may have missed.   
Regular Schedule Friday, Class at 9AM & 5PM, Be ready to work and have fun, we have a good one planned.......

Monday, November 23, 2015

November 23 2015

Regular schedule this week, be thankful.......


5 Rounds for Time of:

7 Front Squats (from the floor) 135/95
14 KB Swings 72/53
21 Burpees

Scale as needed
If these front squats are out of reach for you a good scaling percentage would be about 50% of your 1 rep max front squat or 75% of your 5 Rep max...  The swings should be a bit heavier than usual but not so much that they aren't being performed correctly or safely, challenge yourself but be smart...


Bench Press

Friday, November 20, 2015

November 20 2015


16 Minutes to work up to a 1 Rep Max deadlift, This can be done in as many or as little sets wanted if you have been consistent over the past 4 weeks of classes otherwise don't shoot for a PR here, build to a safely performed, repeatable heavy deadlift for the day using a typical strength set rep scheme.  If you are unsure ask a coach... This deadlift will determine the partners for the workout based on roughly 75% of your 1 rep max for the day (Yes it should be heavy)


Teams of 2 Complete As Many rounds as possible in 16 minutes of:

5  Deadlifts (75% of 1 rep Max)
10 H.R Pushups
20 Situps

Each partner completes 1 full round AFAP before switching - Highest number of rounds wins

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

November 18 2015


As Many rounds as possible in 3, 6 and 9 minutes of:

50 Wallballs
40 DB Front Rack Lunges (alternating)
30 KB Swings 53/36
20 DB Snatches (alternating)
10 Box Jumps

Rest 2 Minutes between AMRAPS - Starts back at Wallballs each time

Minutes 0-3 Work 
Minutes 3-5 Rest
Minutes 5-11 Work
Minutes 11-13 Rest
Minutes 13-22 Work


Back Squat 

Monday, November 16, 2015

November 16 2015


With a Continuously running clock begin a new round every third minute for a total of 10 rounds of:

25 KB SDHP 53/36
12 Burpees

The two movements should be performed at maximum effort as fast as possible in order to take advantage of the rest between rounds and provide the intended stimulus for the workout.  The faster and harder you push, the more rest you will receive, maintain your working times for all 10 rounds and the more fitness you will receive......


Increase load through 5 sets of the following complex

3 Strict Press + 2 Push Press + 1 Jerk

(Take it from the ground each time)

Friday, November 13, 2015

November 13 2015

Class at 9AM and 5PM Today


5 Rounds for Time of:

10 Hang Power Cleans 115/75
25 Wallballs

Bench Press

Just FYI:  There will be some outside running for Saturday mornings class, dress accordingly..

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

November 11 2015

Had to work, bought a house, wanted to sleep in, Veterans Day....Get to the gym!! 
Classes at 9AM, 5PM and 6PM Today


15 Minutes to establish a repeatable, heavy 2 Rep deadlift.  This can be found using any rep scheme you feel appropriate but if you are unsure ask a coach.  Use all the time given and go heavy, you will be using this max to gauge what should be used for the workout.  


5 Rounds For Time of:

7 Deadlifts 275/185
30 Airsquats
15 H.R. Pushups
30 Double Unders

Scale as needed, if the suggested weights aren't practical for you, use roughly 65-75% of the 2 rep that was established, it is only 7 reps at a time and should be fairly heavy for you.

Monday, November 9, 2015

November 9 2015

Congrats to everyone who completed the Spartan Race Saturday.  


Complete as many rounds as possible in 18 minutes of:

15 Pullups
15 Burpee Box Jumps

Teams of 2 split work as desired 

Strict Press 

Friday, November 6, 2015

November 6 2015

Class at 9AM and 5PM Today 


As Many reps as Possible Laddering up by 3's for 15 Minutes of:

Clean and Jerk 135/95
Toes to Bar 
25 Double Unders between each round (75 singles)

*Each round Reps increase as follows 3,6,9,12,15,18,21..... Double unders stay the same every round


Barbell Row 

Tomorrows Spartan race starts for our group at 9:45am.  There are 13 of us signed up that I know of and I know some people have already set up to meet before going in.  I will be at the gym for 7AM and plan to head in by 7:15 for anyone who wants to follow.  The general consensus was to wear your black DBSC shirt.  We should all try to meet up in there so no one is going off alone for the race.  Once we get inside we’ll work out the logistics of how to make that happen, there should be plenty of time to park, sign in and meetup.  For everyone else, class is still on for 8:30, Coach Marshall will be there for you and when you're done working out, come on down to Fenway to watch…

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

November 4 2015


For time:
Deadlift 185/135 (or roughly 50-60% of Max)

Rest Until 12 Minutes Then:

For Time:

Each couplet has an 8 minute time cap so that whether you finish or not you will have at least a 4 minute rest between the two.  This should give you plenty of time to recover and hit the second workout just as hard as the first.  Both efforts should be all out efforts.  Don't pace yourself, go harder than you believe you can go and gut it out.  Real adaptation occurs when we push past the limits we imagine are there.


Back Squat

Monday, November 2, 2015

November 2 2015

Class at 9AM, 5PM and 6PM Today


Teams of 2 Complete as Many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

10 Push Press 115/75
10 KB Swings 53/36
10 Box Jumps 24/20

Partner 1 completes full round at all out effort then rests while partner 2 goes, repeat for 20 minutes.


Bench Press

The Fenway spartan race is this Saturday, It looks like our groups start time is 9:45.  Below is some arrival info from their site.

Arrive an hour and a half before your start time. This gives you plenty of time to park, pick up your packet, drop your stuff at bag check, and get warmed up. (We can meet at the club for 7AM and plan on leaving by 7:15 if people want to carpool)
Registration opens at 5:30am on Saturday, 7:30am on Sunday. The Mobile Locker Co. will also be onsite as a gear check option. Lockers give you convenient, secure storage option for your valuables and gear, starting at $10. Rent online in advance or onsite with cash or credit (limited quantity available). Click here!

Your ID
Waiver (I printed these and have them at the gym)
Your bib # 

What not to bring: 
Outside food and drink (racers, fuel for the race is OK)
Your pets 
Negative Attitude (Impossible)