When you set out to complete some big goal or challenge you try to plan, learn and prepare for all the things you can control. For this weekends challenge I ran hundreds of miles alone on all types of terrain, experimented with when and how much to eat and drink, learned about how to recover in between long runs without getting injured and read about how high to build the mileage and when to taper in order to be fresh for the day of. You also know there will be things you can’t control; weather, hills, missteps, injuries you might have to push through and even when you’ll need to go to the bathroom. I knew things like that would come up and I was confident I would just find a way through them. What I didn’t account and prepare for was support. This race was supposed to be in Texas and I had a flight and hotel room for the weekend alone and the plan was to just get out there, complete the race and get back. I trained alone and not many people are exactly looking to run 40 miles with you so I figured why change anything for race day and didn’t think much of it being that it was my goal and I’ve always kind of approached things like this on my own. Obviously the other thing I couldn’t control and never saw coming was when it got cancelled because of the virus situation right now. I knew that this might come up a few weeks ago but I had already began to taper my runs so I figured I’d just do it here and move on with my regular training just like I had planned to do in Texas....Then word got out.....I know you all know when I heard what was being planned I was not exactly excited about having an audience or looking for running partners and even contemplated quietly doing it the day before without telling anyone but Chrissy and Mike assured me all would be fine and everybody just wanted to make sure I got it done. Like I was saying before going into something like this you look at what you can control and what you can’t and then try to prepare for both the best you can but there is always something that comes up along the way and forces you to learn on the fly and usually that something becomes the story or memory of the actual event and that is exactly what happened. With you guys organizing places to jump in, having water for me, giving me something to look forward to between long stretches of road and even letting me know I was off course but could still get where I needed to go I realized the story is not what I got through but how I got through it and who helped make sure I did. You guys and your families made that happen with your time and support. I never planned for that, I never saw that coming but I know that when I look back at running 40 miles, I will remember I was able to do it because of all of you and all your help and that will always be the story. Thank you
Remember typically we would be weighing in today so we should still be weighing in today to track our progress and what we might need to do in this last week of work. Let me know where you stand or if you need help deciding how to go forward as we finish up this challenge.
Strength and Conditioning:
Rounds of 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 for time of:
Squat cleans 115/75
Bar facing burpees
At home/No equipment Version:
Rounds of 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 for time of:
Odd object swings
Odd object Front squats
Odd object facing Burpees
Complete 10 of each movement then 9 of each movement all the way down to 1 of each movement as fast as you can.
Use your backpack or any other odd object and load it up with an appropriate weight of laundry and books (no more than 40 lbs for men 20 lbs for women) be creative.. post times and objects to comments