Class at 5PM Today
Build to a max load for the following complex:
1 Squat Clean + 3 Thrusters
100 Thrusters for time
5 Pullups EMOM *
*If you are strong on pullups it's 5 pullups on the minute if not it's 3, ring rows and jumping pullups are ok, no bands....
Men <135
Women <95
Make it suck....
What's with all these tests?:
"Men lie, women lie, numbers don't lie..." - Jay-z
in and out of all kinds of gyms you have people dressing the part; knee
sleeves, lifting belts, fancy shoes, neon yoga pants, tank tops,
talking the talk, filtering their gym mirror selfies, hash tagging the
shit out of their gym check-ins and claiming real fitness but when you
approach them for real numbers in a lot of cases you can't get real
answers. There's a lot of guesstimating, excuses of why they don't know
and down right bullshit. This is the opposite of what I've always
wanted. In our gym I aim for real answers, real results and real
fitness. There's nothing fancy about it, in order to get fit you
need to be training, testing and measuring. It has nothing to do with
what you wear, what you say, where you train or how you look. It has everything to do with what you can do and what you can back up. I see being a fit
person as being a well rounded person who can perform different types of
fitness well. I don't believe that someone who trains only one area
and improves in only one area is truly well rounded or "Fit." I don't
care if you can squat 600 lbs, if you can't run a mile without having to
walk, your squat number is absolutely useless and the same goes for the
guy who can run a 5 minute mile but can't get his ass to his ankles when
asked to do an airsquat, it happens all the time and it's not real
fitness. I strongly believe that if you consider yourself a fitness
enthusiast and can't
tell me what you squat and/or how fast you can run a mile you need to
stop lying about your interests. I'm not saying it has to be fast and
I'm not saying it
needs to be heavy, I understand that these things are relative, I'm just
saying that if you call yourself in shape or you're paying someone to
your overall fitness and you or they don't know these things, someone's
blowing smoke
up your ass and/or ripping you off. My goal for you is that you are not one of these people. I want you to know and
to be prepared to do all of these things. Like I said, you don't have to be the
best at any one thing, you just have to have the ability to do any one
of those things when asked to, the better you do at them, the more fit
you are, it's really pretty simple. There are a million tests of fitness I could run you through to get a look at how you stack up, it's endless really but for your average, everyday person,
teachers, nurses, construction workers, etc) there are simple effective
indicators of everyday fitness that I believe fully achieve the needs
and demands that your life will ask and require of you. These are needs
that shouldn't be but are often confused in the fitness industry with
the needs of professional athletes. Over the last two weeks,
I've been measuring and testing you in these multiple ways. The results;
You're all pretty fit!! I chose 5 different basic, simple tests of strength and
conditioning and decided to evaluate where you fall when compared to
each other. Where you placed in any one test was the amount of points
you received for that test. After all 5 tests are completed and added together the person
with the lowest score will therefore be in my definition, the fittest or
most well rounded person in the gym. This is not the only reason to
collect this kind of data, seeing how you all perform across the board
allows me to see where you as an individual need to focus more or less,
if you score really low in just one area of fitness we can see which
areas you need to work on and vice versa. Most people impressed me
across the board and I'm pretty happy with how things came out.
Basically things ended up just as I thought they would but the thing that I'm happiest about is that nobody really fell down in any one area, most people will look at the results and only pay attention to where they placed in the overall standing but what I see is that everyone basically placed in their relative range in all five tests, if you were a top 5 athlete in any one test you stayed right around there for the others and the same goes for the top 10, the teens and those in the twenties ranges. This shows you are not just improving in any one area, you are consistent and improving in all areas, so my goal of keeping you well rounded is being met. Lastly, consistency is big with me and I believe that if I'm testing your
fitness your consistency should also be considered. Anyone can have a good day then do
nothing for the rest of the year, does that one good day make them more
fit than the guy they beat that shows up everyday and gives it his best?
Easy answer, No.... You need to consistently perform and make it a
priority to do so in order to be considered fit over talented. Everyone had the same opportunity to get these tests
done and most even got 2nd chances, that's why if you weren't here
for one or more of them I still included you in the breakdown which
gives those who are consistent the credit they deserve, consistency by
itself should be considered a test on its own because your absence to
me is a direct indication of your commitment and for that test you scored
below everyone who performed it. It's fair, don't question it, instead of
making excuses think about how until you get consistent you'll never
truly be as fit as those who show up regularly... If you missed more than two of these tests you should really be asking yourself if you're even a
member here (do you even lift?) or just someone who drops in every now and then. In my
opinion, if this is the case, you're wasting your money and no one is believing the lie you
tell yourself that you work out. Your health, fitness and goals don't care
about your shitty work schedule and you are choosing one over the other, get it together
please, show up to class... Anyway, those of you that did come have all impressed me with these results. You showed
up, did what was
asked and showed improvement in all things, almost all of you walked away with PR's of some sort and took notice of how far you've come, congrats, you are fit and
can back it up with real data which is more than most people can say..

**The number in parenthesis is your placing for the individual event - the
sum of these numbers equals your overall score.
Lowest score = Fittest
(Congrats Roy!)