Monday, July 15, 2019

July 15 2019

I am away this week, class schedule will stay the same but I am counting on you guys to get the work done and rely on yourselves and each other to push through and put your experience to work.  In years past I’ve had other coaches come in to take my place but all of you have been with me long enough to know what I expect and this is a good opportunity to show that you are not new athletes and that you have pride in what you know and integrity in the way you perform.  You all know the standards I expect and want you to hold yourselves to.  You all know the basic template of the class and how it should flow with time allotted for a warm up, instruction, testing of loads and then the workout, we typically close out each class with some strength work and this week is no different.  Do this all with time and respect in mind and leave the room clear and ready for the next group and as you found it.  I have asked a few people in each class to help with the flow and they will be able to help with scaling questions, equipment issues and running the clock but help each other out this week, work as a group and get through it.  Mike and Dave will be around but will not be completely instructing like I do.  If you need anything obviously find them but I am looking for you guys to use our class times effectively and think of these days as somewhat of a controlled open gym period, workouts including warm ups and explanations are below and I’m looking forward to hearing about how well you all worked together and seamlessly got through the programming.  Have fun but work hard, yes this is a test, everything is a test. 

Monday July 15 2019 – 
Class at 5PM and 6PM

Warm Up:

Run 800M
Then as a group:
3 Rounds of:
12 Jump Squats
9 Pushups
60 Mountain Climbers


4 Minutes to Complete:
27 Power Cleans 95/65
27 Lateral Burpees over the bar
Max Bike Calories

Rest 4 Minutes

4 Minutes to Complete:
21 Power Cleans 115/75
27 Lateral Burpees over the bar
Max Bike Calories

Rest 4 Minutes

4 Minutes to Complete:
15 Power Cleans 135/95
15 Lateral Burpees over the bar
Max Bike Calories

Goal: Roughly 25/20+ Calories each interval

Each 4 minute interval is ending with as many calories as possible on the bike each time. This will end up being your score when all three intervals are added together so don’t give in to the urge to go easy here and really push yourself to the end knowing that you have that full 4 minutes of rest following your all out effort.  As for the weight on the power cleans each time we are looking to increase the load as the reps decrease each interval but the challenge to finish the work quick enough to gain a respectable score will remain throughout as fatigue sets in.  Try to do just that and challenge yourself on the weights, for most of you this is very doable unbroken, not easy but doable and with some mental toughness you will make it happen.  If we are thinking about scaling, each set of power cleans should not need to be broken up into more than 2-3 sets if we can live with that and return to the bar quick enough then that is the weight to go with if you think you will need to break things up more than that you should be scaling to an appropriate weight that will allow for no more than 2 breaks during the cleans.  Newer athletes may choose to stay at the same weight throughout the entire workout but as power cleans reps decrease your time on the bike should most definitely grow so make sure your score is representing just that and don’t let your workout suffer by coasting by, the goal here is max intensity for 4 minutes and recover quickly so we can repeat that effort.  Make it suck…These burpees are to be done laterally over the bar and again it is tempting to pace yourself here especially after a big set of cleans but this 4 minutes moves fast so holding back here will not leave much time for calories so just put your head down and get it done. 

Logistically we should be splitting the group by having half of you guys start your rounds with a running clock on the 0:00,8:00 and the16:00 and the other half of you beginning at 4:00,12:00 and the 24:00 resting your 4 minutes while the other group works, this way less bars and bikes are needed to be set out, pair up with someone who works like you and challenge each other.  I’ve assigned a few people in each class to help make things flow well so look to them for any further instruction, help and to keep things moving well.  Have fun.


Strict press

Finish class with some strength sets of strict press, with these sets of 7 we are looking to make all our sets count so do not begin counting your sets until those reps of 5,6,and 7 are difficult to get through – rest completely (roughly 2 mins) between sets so that a true effort can be given each time and it is up to you as to whether we use this opportunity to work on our clean taking it from the floor or take each set from a rack, either way, 5 sets of 7 and your are done. 

Wednesday July 17 2019 – 
Class at 5PM and 6PM

Warm Up:
Run 400M Then as a group:
3 Rounds of
5 Inch worms
5 Rollowver v-sits
5 Medball situps
5 Burpees


5 Rounds for Time of:

Run 400M
30 Wallballs
30 Box Jumps

A longer conditioning piece here with our goal being to get the work completed in under 30 minutes.  Keep this in mind while approaching this one being mindful of what that allows for each round to take, we should easily be able to get this work done if we keep our rounds consistently under 6 minutes with some of you easily maintaining around a 5 minute round throughout.  It can be tempting to come out fast on this one which almost always proves a mistake once fatigue sets in and we start seeing those rounds get longer and longer each time.  We have a decent amount of reps here with total of 150 wallballs and box jumps wrapped up in some short running so a better approach would be a steady pace throughout, with controlled, well thought out breaks on the wallballs and box jumps looking up and taking note each time you complete your box jump sets and pacing yourself in a way that allows for you to maintain a pace and mantra of “Just keep moving” for the entire workout.  Time cap is 30 Minutes and this will test a good amount of you but push through and stay confident in your strategy throughout.  Remember to hold the standards that you have all heard a million times - Squat to depth on those wallballs and shoot for the tops of the poles and make sure we are coming to a full stand presenting our hip at the top of each box jump.  No one is impressed that you finished the workout by shorting every range of motion along the way but be sure, they are all talking about it and rolling their eyes...

Weighted Strict Pullups

*If you have less than 3 Unbroken Strict Pullups: Accumulate 40 strict pullups

Really test yourself with this here don't just grab any weight and go for it, if you were doing sets of 3 on your back squat you would not put an empty bar on your back and call it a set so don't do that with a light dumbell on these, let these sets do what they are intended to and get stronger by adding some true load.  Those of you that are proficient at strict pullups should not be afraid of adding a good amount of weight here its only 3 reps so if you can complete 4 with any given weight, its too light, feel out some lighter stuff but don't start counting these reps until it is challenging for all 3. If we are unable to do 3 unbroken strict pullups yet we are using this time to accumulate 40 Strict Pullups (unweighted) in singles – If we have not yet gotten an unassisted strict pullup lets use band here and accumulate the 40 pullups with that, choose a band that does not allow for more than 5 reps at a time resting completely between so we are getting all quality reps passing through the full range of motion.  As always full extension at the bottom, chin over the bar at the top. 

Friday July 19 2019 
Class at 5PM
Warm up:

Can be done in wrestling room or weight room (no street shoes on mat)
5 Rounds as Group of:
50 foot Bear Crawl
50 Foot broad jumps (every 5 Broad jumps perform 3 Burpees)

As Many Rounds as Possible in 16 Minutes of:

48 Double Unders
36 Alternating Dumbell Snatches  50/35
18 Toes To Bar

This is pretty straight forward here, we should be moving through this work with a pace we can live with, very easy to come out a bit hot on this and soon realize that 16 minutes is a long time for this kind of thing.  I would be looking at the double unders as my relaxed portion of the workout and trying to stay at an even but harder pace through the other two movements.  Both the toes to bar and snatches can be a bit taxing on your heart rate so make sure we are breathing throughout and like I said before working at a pace we know we can maintain and not one that will inevitably force us to crash and burn.  If we are someone who has never gotten our toes to the bar we should be doing medball situps here instead.  Anyone who is in between and unsure if they should scale down to situps should ask themselves if they can keep each toe to bar round to 4 sets or less if not they should be on the medball situps.  Make sure we are keeping that Dumbell close to our bodies on the way up and truly pulling our selves under it in that receiving position, this is a decent amount of volume in the end on snatches so we want to make sure we are moving safe and efficient.  If we are not quite there on double unders sub in 100 singles and if we are someone who is in between and getting better each time we practice give yourself a minute each round to practice and attempt to reach the 48 if you’re not quite there move on after a minute of honest practice. 


Safety is first priority here and we are not looking to set any new records here.  I would make sure I am building to my moderately heavy set of 7 before counting my working sets and then beginning.  We have recently tested our 10 rep max so that number should be fresh in our heads.  If it was a true 10 rep max I would suggest starting there and possibly even remaining at that weight for all four sets of seven.  If we do not know where we stand in that respect, move by feel and record your results so we know better next time.  This should take no longer than 16 Minutes to work through.

Saturday July 20 2019
Class at 8:30AM

Warm Up: 

Run 1 Mile then:
With an empty barbell complete 3 Rounds of:
5 Deadlifts
5 Hang Cleans
5 Front Squats
5 Strict Press
5 Burpees


For Time:

Run 800M
100 Airsquats
25 Shoulder to Overhead
100 Pushups
75 Hang Power Cleans
200 Walking Lunge Steps
25 Shoulder to Overhead
Run 800M


Longer grind here with a relatively light barbell, we should definitely be pushing the pace to see what we can do but also approaching each movement with a bit of a plan.  Going to failure at any point would be a mistake as it will end up taking us longer to return to the movement than if we stopped 3-5 reps ahead of time took a short planned break and got right back to work.  Scale the barbell according to our overhead abilities here.  If you can safely get through 10 Shoulder to Overhead with this weight fresh than I would push to use the 115/75 if not, you should be choosing a weight that you can.  You all know how Saturdays go so attack this one with our typical sense of urgency and then you are out of there.  Have fun work hard and I’ll see you Monday. 

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