Class at 5PM Today
Teams of 2 Complete As many rounds as Possible in 20 Minutes of:
20 SDHP 75/55
10 Hang Squat Cleans 75/55
*A Barbell, Kettlebells, Dumbells, Sandbags or Medballs can be used and subbed for the squat cleans, Team Choice...
Every 90 seconds complete 3 Deadlifts @ 65% of your 1 rep max for 15 minutes
Weight loss Challenge:
Weigh ins for the weight loss challenge can be entered as soon as today but must be in by Monday at 7PM along with your $20 Entry fee. I put together a
BASIC meal plan below as a good guide for how I would like to see you eating throughout the challenge. I tried to keep it as simple as possible.
If it was never alive, stay away from it. As you can see the idea throughout the plan has you eating very low sugar and REAL foods, basically if you stick to this type of thinking you will be OK and see results. In any of the foods that I put in that are not fresh or whole foods I put the brand/type that I've used and trust, there's a lot of crap out there in so called "Healthy" boxed foods so I like to only recommend what I've looked into myself. Remember this is an effort to lose weight, in order for that to happen there has to be caloric sacrifices. I know that this plan to some people may look a lot different than what you're used to but again, unless you make some real change nothing is really going to happen. I need to get you into a calorie deficit to lose, the focus right now is not to grow, build muscle or maintain your bodyweight. For the next 8 weeks we are trying to lose weight and I think this is a good starting point, try it for a few weeks to see if there is change happening and then we can adjust accordingly. The only way to know if something is working is to give it a chance to work. Take note of the portion sizes and weights, if you don't have a food scale get one, after a few weeks you will be able to see real servings by eye but if you've never measured or weighed your food before, you should start now and see what you learn. Also take note that nothing is accounted for in terms of beverages, this means you should be drinking
no calories, this is the easiest change to make, a lot of people drink more than 500 calories a day (1LB a week) without even noticing,
start noticing. This means no juice, soda or BOOZE. It also means drink your coffee black and carry your water all day long. If you're drinking anything other than water you're probably drinking calories so just don't. Drink your water and drink plenty of it, think 1/2 your bodyweight in ounces...minimum. I put this together based on the average person in the challenge so some of the portions can be adjusted for the men and there are definitely foods that can be subbed in and out but as far as the macro-nutrients and calories go this is a good guide for where you should be focusing. You'll also see that on the lunches and dinners it shows all different types of meats, this is up to you. Basically this is where you should be eating a dead animal, the calories and macros will vary a bit depending on the animal but if you have weighed it correctly you'll be safe enough with whichever you like best and you can mix it up. Lastly, be mindful of what you are putting on these foods, anything basically adds calories (salad dressing, ketchups, marinade, etc..) to your day and is really unnecessary during a weight loss challenge so just leave it out. The whey protein should absolutely be taken post workout and it is up to you whether or not you take it on your rest days, I suggest taking it to help with your recovery and believe there is enough room in the plan to still lose even if you're taking it on your off day but if you're going to remove something on the days you aren't moving as much, this is what to take away. I used the nutritional facts from the Catalyst brand that I recommend and can be bought here: I used it because it's clean, trustworthy and DBSC members get a 10% discount but if you already use something else just make sure its nutrition is at least close to what you see here. I'm sure some of you are nervous about the fact that nothing is being taken in after meal #5, this is done on purpose, I am aware because you are all evening clients that this meal is most likely not until after 6:30 or 7PM if this is the case there really is no need to be eating after this time, eat your food, drink some water and go to bed letting your body recover well. If you are someone who "needs" something after this time, kill your craving with a piece of fruit or something simple, don't ruin your whole day and turn to junk food. Amy sent me a recipe for a healthy Green drink that I will post up soon and I believe she may be bringing samples in on Saturday morning, it's full of antioxidants and made entirely with fruits and vegetables and it tastes really good, this would be a good time to sneak that in
if you absolutely have to have something but if you really are trying to lose don't make it an every night thing. Make smart choices.
Your diet is everything in a short challenge like this so stay on top of it. I know there will be days that you come off script a bit, that will only be OK if 90+ percent of the time you are on. If you truly stick to this I have no doubt you will be happy after the 8 weeks is over so sacrifice for a bit now and reap the rewards in the end. Good Luck