Class at 5PM and 6PM Today
Week 2 Weigh Ins Due Today
Teams of 2 Complete as Many Rounds as Possible in 20 Minutes of:
20 Burpees
20 Hang Power Snatches 95/65
20 Toes to Bar
20 Box Jump Overs
20 Shoulder to Overhead 95/65
On The Minute for 12 Minutes:
Odd: 1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat
Even: 5 Gymnastic Kips on Bar
Huge congratulations go out to Bry for putting all her hard work to use at the Atlantic States Open this weekend where she not only hit a new competition PR in her clean and jerk and matched her competition PR in the snatch but she did so after dropping two weight classes since her last competition. She worked really hard over the last couple of months to reach this goal and walked away with some awesome results. When she first asked me back in December about which weight class she should enter I’m pretty sure she thought I was crazy but she took the risk anyway, set a goal and accepted the challenge. This meant huge sacrifices in her diet, spare time and sometimes her confidence level but she overcame all of that and it paid off. She took these last couple of months to really dial in her diet, showed up to every open gym session to work on technique and went through some pretty awful workouts by herself to make sure to hit that weight loss goal. AND, just because I know she would never brag about her numbers I’ll do a little of that for her, at this same meet last February she competed in the 75KG Weight Class and finished with an 88KG Total. This year she dropped two weight classes (17Lbs) to the 63KG Class and finished with a 96KG total, if that’s not something to be happy and proud of, I don’t know what is. So now that we're finishing week 2 of the weight loss challenge and you might be losing some motivation, take a lesson from Bry and set a goal for yourself that puts you out of your comfort zone, she could’ve easily competed in the same weight class as last time and attempted lifts she knew there was no risk in hitting but she did neither of those things. She set her goals high and put in the work to achieve them, walking away with way more than just some scores at a meet. Setting that one goal helped her achieve gains in strength, fitness, technique, body composition, mental toughness, confidence and health. When you see her, make sure to congratulate her on all of that and then set a goal of your own and see it through…
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