Class at 5PM Today
3 Rounds for Time of:
Run 800M
40 Airsquats
20 Deadlifts 155/105
10 Pullups
5 Shoulder to Overhead 155/105
Push Jerk
*From The Floor
New Challenge Details:
Over the next eight weeks, starting October 2nd, we’re all going to be focusing on a different kind of challenge than some of the previous ones. A lot of you guys have gotten to ideal body-weights, seen nice body composition changes and hit your weight loss goals by now so it doesn’t make all that much sense for the majority of us to be doing another 8 week weight loss challenge simply because we don’t need it anymore, congrats. So, this time around I’d like to take the next 8 weeks and focus on YOUR individual goals. For some people that may very well still be a weight loss goal and that is fine, we'll work towards that, for someone else it may be a particular movement that they have struggled with and are going to finally nail down or maybe it is a numbers goal and you want to finally hit a 400LB Back squat, whatever it is, over the next 8 weeks we’re going to make the changes that we need to in order to make it happen. The one thing that all of these things have in common is the fact that all goals take some level of sacrifice that needs to happen in order to see it through and in order to reach our goal we have to accept that. Sometimes that even means sacrificing one area of fitness for another (temporarily) while we do what has to be done to meet our goal. If that means sacrificing a bit of conditioning to hit a strength goal or vice versa, we are OK with that just like if it means sacrificing calories or foods for enjoyment to reach our weight loss goals we are OK with that. Whatever the goal is, there will have to be some bit of sacrifice made to be successful. The way I’m going to help this all play out is during our regular strength/skill work time in class you will all have time to work towards your goal, this means not everyone will be dong the same thing during these times. Some will be drilling movements or doing accessory work to work towards their goal, some may be adding interval work or extra conditioning during these times and some may be working on particular lifts, multiple times a week to make sure they are where they want to be in the end. What I need from you guys now is for you to set your goals and then tell me what they are so I can give you a plan and direction so that when we break out you will know what you should be doing and be able to get right to work. Take this next week to either send me or tell me your goal and I’ll work out a plan for you. If you have no goals please stop coming to class immediately and go think deeply about how you are wasting your one life achieving nothing. I’m positive this is going to go really well for everyone and help you guys realize that whatever it is that you want for yourselves is really not that far away if you stay focused and committed to it. The class format will change October 2nd and we will all show off our new skills and achievements just in time for Thanksgiving, for now get thinking about what it is that you’ll be working towards and get it to me so we’re all ready to go next week.
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