Friday, December 11, 2015

December 11 2015


10 down to 1 reps for time of:

Clean and Jerks 115/75
H.R. Pushups

30 Double Unders between each round 

A lot of people and gyms nowadays confuse the work we do with the kind of constant cardio group training of the past, (aerobics, zumba, dancing around doing whatever it is I see people doing in conventional gyms) and think that because they aren't able to be moving the entire workout the weight must be too heavy or the reps must be too much.  There are definitely workouts that you should be able to move through unbroken and continuously but there are also workouts where the goal is to get the work done and fight through it, if that means I need to put the weight down and breathe after 2 or 3 reps because its difficult that is fine not a reason to start questioning the load on the bar.  If you have truly moved a load quickly that you can only move safely for 2-3 reps I guarantee your heart rate is jacked, your muscles are being taxed and the stimulus necessary to cause adaptation is 100% being achieved and both your anaerobic and aerobic energy systems are being trained and benefiting.  Of course efficiency and safety in the movement comes first but if you have got both of these under control, don't be afraid to push yourself and gut it out every now and then, that's where the magic happens....


Back Squat 
3-3-3-3-3 w/ 2 Sec Pause in bottom position


Overhead Squat
3-3-3-3-3 w/ 2 Sec Pause in bottom position

This movement will be decided on an individual basis, those that are proficient in their squat (Hip crease below parrelel, upright torso, chest up, shoulders back) will be working on overhead squats those whose squat is a work in progress will be back squatting

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