Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December 31 2014



With a running clock teams of 2 complete:

15 Min Amrap
20 Goblet Squats 53/36
14 Kb Swings 53/36
Immediately into 

15 Min Amrap
20 Box Jumps 24/20
14 Pullups 
Immediately into 

15 Min Amrap
20 H.R Pushups
14 Clean and Jerks 95/65

**Both Partners stop and complete 3 Burpees Every Minute on the Minute for the entire workout

**Reps, Rounds and/or Movemnets can be split up in anyway with one person working at a time
Team with highest total rounds wins!!

Monday, December 29, 2014

December 29 2014

I'm not a New Years resolution guy, I never have been, I decide to try new things, test new theories or stay the same all year round and no matter what day it is.  I'm also very routine; I eat, sleep and play the same everyday.  I don't enjoy mixing it up and am very pleased with a, “If it's not broken don't fix it” approach. That being said, a lot of people are not this way they look at the New Year as a new beginning and new opportunity to change something or set a goal.  If you are this way, this can be a good way to get or stay committed to your gym routine and fitness goals.  It doesn't have to be an elaborate commitment or goal but it should be an attainable one and it should have a specific approach and timeframe.  That way you’re not setting yourself up for failure or an excuse to forget about your goal.  Here's a few examples of what I mean;

Bad goal: I will double my back squat

Why is it bad? There's no approach or explanation of how you're going to do it and also no time frame, when are you going to do this? Over 2 years or 2 weeks? This is bound to be a forgotten goal or at the very least a disappointing one.

Good goal: I will improve my pullups by practicing them for 5 minutes before class every time I come to the gym this month.

Why is this good? It lays out what you're looking to do, how you will do it and when you will do it.  It also sets a timeframe (this month) so that way there is an end in sight in which you can measure your progress and/or set a new goal expanding on the goal in a relatively foreseeable timeframe - maybe by a month you will be able to do 2 more strict pullups than at the beginning of the month and you want to test this method for another month or add to the movement by adding something like chest to bar pullups to your practice or bar muscle ups for another 30 days.  This is the type of goal I think you should be looking to set for yourself, measurable, attainable and realistic.

Lastly, put your goal in writing somewhere, tell someone and let’s see where it goes.  If you are the type of person that has trouble getting to the gym make your goal commitment based, if you are committed already make it performance based or attack a new skill.  My goal this year hasn’t changed and is to help make your fitness not just a resolution or passing phase for you guys but the lifestyle and necessity that I feel it should be in your life and I will do that by continuing to encourage you to push past what you thought you could do every time you step into the gym.  


Strict Press 



5 Rounds of:

12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks

This workout will be performed in two person teams. Each team member will complete one round while the other rests for a total of 10 rounds for time.

*Each round will be attempted unbroken - weight should be difficult but not max.  (Think 90% of max strict press) 

No 6PM Class Wednesday night, regular schedule rest of the week

Friday, December 26, 2014

December 26 2014

1 Class at 5Pm Today
6 Rounds for Time of:
24 Air Squats
24 Pushups
24 Walking Lunge steps
24 Burpees (400M Run Sub Optional)

Front Squat

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

December 23 2014

Last workout before the holiday - Get In There!

As Many rounds as Possible in 8 Minutes of:

21 DB Snatch 65/45
14 H.R. Pushup
7 Pullups

Rest 2 Minutes

As Many rounds as Possible in 8 Minutes of:

21 KB Swings 53/36
14 Airsquats
7 KB Situps


Bench Press

Holiday Week Schedule:

Monday 5PM & 6PM
Tuesday 5PM & 6PM
Friday 5PM
Saturday 8:30AM

Monday, December 22, 2014

December 22 2014


Teams of 2, with a running clock. 1 Athlete works at a time.

AMRAP 2: Front Squats 
AMRAP 2: Push Jerks 
AMRAP 3: Front Squats 
AMRAP 3: Push Jerks 
AMRAP 4: Front Squats 
AMRAP 4: Push Jerks 

***Barbell should be loaded with 60% of max push jerk 



Holiday week Schedule:
Monday 5PM & 6PM
Tuesday 5PM &6PM
Friday 5PM
Saturday 8:30AM

Friday, December 19, 2014

December 19 2015

1 Class at 5PM Today

5 Rounds for Time of:

30 KB Swings
30 Wallballs


Barbell Row

Next Wednesday (Xmas eve) classes will be moved to Tuesday night 5pm and 6pm. No classes Wednesday -Spread the word

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

December 17 2014

                   Bad                                Good

Get those chests up!!!


On The 2nd Minute for 20 minutes perform:

1 Deadlift+1 Hang Clean + 1 Jerk + 6 Burpees over the bar 



As many Rounds as possible in 20 Minutes of:

5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Air squats

Monday, December 15, 2014

December 15 2014


With a running clock 
At 0:01 begin:
10 Down to 1 
Goblet Squats

At 12:00 begin 
1 up to 10 of:
Goblet Squats
At 24:00 Stop


Back Squat

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

December 10 2014


6 rounds (as many reps as possible) of 3 minutes alternating back and forth between the following triplets with 1 min rest between rounds:

3 Power Cleans 135/95
6 Burpee over Bar
9 Supermans

3 Pullups
6 Med Ball Cleans
9 Situps


On the 2nd minute for 16 minutes perform

5 Deadlift+ 3 Hang power cleans + 1 Jerk

*Increasing weight each set

Monday, December 8, 2014

December 8 2014


Three rounds for reps of:

Sumo deadlift high-pull 75/55
Box Jump, 20" box 
Push-press 75/55

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep.



Friday, December 5, 2014

December 5 2014

I wanted to take a few minutes to put some thoughts down for everyone because I’ve been noticing that some people are holding themselves back from time to time not because of their abilities but more because of their beliefs.  I’ve always heard that if you tell someone the truth they’ll believe you but if you tell someone a story they’ll remember.  Hopefully Coach Marshall won’t mind me using him to drive my point home but I think it can go a long way with everyone.

About 10 years ago I decided I wanted to run a marathon, so I did what most people would do, I logged a ton of miles, I did interval work, I did tempo runs and I did long slow distance runs on Sundays.  My 4 month program was mapped out from the beginning and I followed it religiously.  I ran 5K’s, 10K’s, half marathons all leading up to it and built the muscular endurance and confidence to go ahead and complete my first marathon.  On the day of the Marathon I knew I had put in the work over the last few months and believed because of that I could do it, so I did.  Around this same time, Coach Marshall had decided he also wanted to run the Boston Marathon.  He did nothing other than what he always did when he trained, he wrestled, he did bicep curls, he jogged a little bit and he ate McDonalds and half gallons of ice cream on the daily.  Then came patriots day and he showed up to the starting line and did exactly what I did, he ran and completed the Boston Marathon.

Mike is a ex division 1 athlete, he can outwork anyone in here, he doesn’t worry about the fuel he puts in his body, he doesn’t worry about whether he gets enough sleep or not, he doesn’t wonder if the weight is too heavy or if the workout is too short or long, he just works his ass off and because of this he believes he can perform at his best whenever he chooses.  I was not a trained athlete, I spent my younger years abusing my body and not trying to better myself.  I changed my life 15 years ago and now my fuel is carefully portioned out daily, my workouts are carefully programmed with certain goals in mind, I know my rest is just as important as my workout so I’m very conscious of that and because of this I believe I can perform at my best whenever I choose.  The differences in the way Mike and I approach the gym are great but the results are exactly the same simply because of one thing; we both know and believe we can do whatever we decide.

There’s a well known quote that says, “The greatest adaptation in the gym takes place between the ears”  If you think about what that is saying you’ll realize that’s a pretty big deal.  We all know what huge adaptations happen in the gym on the outside, we lose weight, we grow muscle and we gain skills but if THE GREATEST adaptation is happening in your mind, that’s pretty significant.  The point is, lets stop approaching the gym with an attitude of un-surety or  doubt, approach it with an attitude of belief and confidence, yes some of that is built over time but MOST of it is simply a decision to believe in your training, believe in your hard work and believe in yourself and in time that belief produces real results.  See you at 5PM.    


As Many Rounds as Possible in 20 Minutes of:

7 DB Deadlifts
7 DB Hang Cleans
7 DB Thrusters
7 Burpees
7 Situps
7 Goblet Squats


Back Squat

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

December 3 2014


With a continuous running clock perform:

Box Jumps
Push Press 115/75
Toes to bar

at 10:00 Begin:

Jump Squat 
Russian KB Swing 72/53
Sit Ups

**Max effort for each triplet, the faster you finish the more rest you'll get 

Bench Press

Monday, December 1, 2014

December 1 2014


On The 2nd Minute for 16 Minutes perform:

6 Deadlifts + 3 Hang Cleans + 1 Jerk 

Increase weight each set until max effort is acheived


In 20 Minutes Perform 2 rounds of:

29 Airsquats
29 Burpees
29 Pushups
As many as Clean and Jerks as possible until time is called using the max weight from strength complex