Monday, February 15, 2016

February 15 2016

Class at 5PM and 6PM Today

Week 3 for the weight loss challenge is here, now is the time we're about to reach a fork in the road and it will be up to you which way you go.  Everyone so far is doing great and headed in the right direction but as motivation fades you have to fight the urge to get lazy on it.  The initial excitement you had going in might be starting to fade, maybe you went all out and ate a bunch of valentines candy because it was a "holiday" and figure you should just give up or maybe you are just getting tired of dieting and don't want to think about what you're eating anymore, I don't know...  What I do know is all that it takes is about three weeks to build a habit, good or bad that's all it takes before actions become habits, so fight the urge to go back to old habits and stay with this one, it's early in the day and you probably haven't messed up your diet yet so don't make yourself have to start again tomorrow, keep going today..  Everything I do, have done or have earned has basically come out of my habits, I have plenty of flaws just like anyone else but I have discipline and live by my habits and as time rolls on that makes up for a lot.  Build those habits.  This weeks weigh ins are due by 7PM tonight.  Keep up the good work.  


Teams of 2 Complete
 5 Rounds for Time of:

60 SDHP 95/65
30 H.R. Pushups
15 Squat Clean Thrusters 95/65

Split work however
1 works,1 rests


Bench Press

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