Wednesday, December 30, 2015

December 30 2015


5 Rounds for Time of:

10 Jerks 115/75
10 Toes to Bar
10 Burpees


Barbell Row

Monday, December 28, 2015

December 28 2015

Don't wait for new days, new months or new years to start something.... Start now...

Class at 9AM, 5PM and 6PM
For Time:

30 Thrusters
90 Double Unders  (180 Singles)
20 Thrusters
60 Double Unders (120 singles)
10 Thrusters
30 Double Unders  (60 singles)

Rest until 10 Minutes on the clock and repeat, if not finished with first, rest until 11:00 minutes and start over, both should be performed for time, 20 Minute time cap.   


Back Squat

We still have openings for the 9AM classes if you know people interested spread the word...

Adult Group Fitness Class Rates and Schedule

Current Schedule:

Unlimited members may attend any of the classes available.  Members are encouraged to attend at least 3 classes per week.

Mondays –

Wednesdays –

Fridays –
5:00 – 6:00p

Saturdays – 8:30-9:30a

Rates: (Ask about DWC family discounts)
Unlimited Membership - $75.00/ month 
Drop in fee - $15.00/ class (subject to instructor discretion and class size) 
**** Special for new members:  6 Week trial for $65.00

Reserve your spot now, classes will be capped


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

December 23 2015

Class at 9AM, 5PM and 6PM Today
No Classes Friday

18 Minutes to Establish a 1 rep max Deadlift

(Do this in a minimum of 7 sets)


For Time:

10 Rounds of:

4 Burpees
6 KB Swings 53/35
8 Wallballs 

Rest 2 Minutes

10 Rounds of:

4 Deadlifts (@70% of Max)
6 Situps
8 Box Jumps

This whole workout is for time including the 2 minutes of rest between the two 10 rounders, 
26 Minute Cap for everything.  

Monday, December 21, 2015

December 21 2015

Strength and Conditioning:

5 Rounds for max load of:

7 Unbroken complexes of:

1 Power Clean 
1 Front Squat
1 Push Jerk
1 Back Squat
1 Push Jerk

Goal here is to not let go of the bar for all 7 rotations through the complex and to increase weight for five rounds or until a max is achieved.  If the bar is dropped within the complex you will have to start over with either less weight or try again in order for the round to count.  Rest as needed between sets.  Clusters (like in the video) will be allowed if you are proficient in each of the individual movements, otherwise we will require a pause after each movement for drilling and basic understanding purposes, this will be decided on by a coach.  

No Classes on Friday 
Regular schedule for rest of week

Friday, December 18, 2015

December 18 2015


21-15-9 reps for time of:

Thruster 95/65

Scale as needed

This workout is meant to be done as fast as possible with minimum breaks and in the most efficient way possible.  The standards we are looking for are hip crease below parallel to arms locked out overhead with the barbell and chin over the bar on the pullups starting from full extension every rep on the pullups, in the video below I am going chest to bar but all you are looking to do is get your chin above the bar today.  If the weight is not going to allow for a sprint we will scale it, unbroken reps are not necessary but you shouldn't have a weight that is forcing you to drop the bar every 3 reps.  If the pullups are not there yet we will do ring rows, jumping pullups, or use a band but no matter how the movements are scaled the standards will remain the same.  There will be a 10 minute cap which means the goal is to test your all out effort not to drag yourself through something too heavy or difficult for you to move fast.  Every time we do this workout everybody asks me what my time is, it has been a few years since I have tested it at this weight or as a stand alone workout, so Wednesday on my lunch break I walked in the gym loaded up the bar and tested it, my time was 3:13, not my best time ever but I stayed consistent throughout, kept the movements unbroken and was spent afterwards so I'm ok with it.  That's the outcome I want for you, so set a goal, figure out how you're going to attack it and go.  Hopefully we can get someone to beat me today because a win for you is a win for me....Get ready for some fun!!


Strict Press

Click here for Video

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

December 16 2015


As Many Rounds As Possible in 15 Minutes of:

10 Pushups
15 KB SDHP 53/36
20 Burpees
25 KB Swings 53/36
30 Walking Lunge Steps


Front Squat

Monday, December 14, 2015

December 14 2015


3 Rounds For Time of:

12 Deadlifts (275/185)
24 Box Jumps 
36 Wallballs

Scale as needed........Think roughly 60% of 1 rep max  for the deadlifts...
Unsure?  Ask a coach...
20 Minute Cap

Bench Press

Monday Morning Rant:

Every once in a while, after class, I’ll ask someone what they are going to go eat or, "What’s for dinner?" and I get an answer that makes me literally want to smash my head against the wall.  Sometimes it’s because of what they say they are going to eat but more times than that is what they are NOT going to eat.  The answer of “Nothing” or “I won’t be home and eating until 9pm” is just plain awful and destroying your hopes of recovering well or reaching any of your goals.  The simplest way I can put this is that the work we do in the 60 minutes of class is using up energy and nutrients that your body needs to repair, recover and stay healthy. No matter what your goal is you need to replace those nutrients and energy in some way.  After hard exercise there is about a 30-60 minute window in which your body wants and needs to replace those nutrients back to the exact areas we worked during exercise.  What nutrients?  Mostly, PROTEIN and SOME carbohydrates to help transport the protein.  So when you tell me I won’t be eating for two hours and it will probably will be pizza or pasta or a bowl of rice, congratulations you have just undone all the work you did today by missing the window and sending your metabolism into what is known as starvation mode. This metabolism shutdown not only won’t allow you to rebuild and recover but instead it will force you to store whatever you next take in next (The crap you wake up and eat because your "hungry") as fat because it thinks you might starve it again and it will need these fat stores for later.  This is why all your fat friends tell you, “I don’t eat that much!!”  What they really mean is they don’t eat that often and when they do, believe me, they eat!! Now like I said, that is about as simple as I can put it but there is a lot more complicated science to all of this that I won't get into but the bottom line is you need to quickly replenish yourself after working out whether you are trying to build muscle, lose weight or maintain your fitness.  I am well aware we are all busy and it is sometimes difficult to eat when we need to but no one really has an excuse nowadays, it is super easy to throw a scoop of whey protein into a shaker cup and bring it with you in your gym bag.  This is also hugely beneficial because it digests faster than real food and will start your muscles into recovery right away with a good protein/carbohydrate mix and useful amino acids to help get you what you need.  Should this replace your regular meal? NO, but it will at least set you into recovery the right way, avoid halting your metabolism and hold you over until you can get your hands on a dead animal and some vegetables.  If you have any questions let me know, unless that question is, “Will this make me bulky or muscular?” in which case don’t ever talk to me.  This is not about bodybuilding or turning women into a she-males this is 100% about recovery and you need it!  A couple of safe protein brands that I use or have used are listed below, there is a lot of crap and HYPE out there but I trust these products,  they have good protein/carb ratios, low or no sugar, simple ingredients for the most part and are MUCH better than nothing.  I can't comment on the FAD shakes of today that are all over everyone's FB newsfeed because I have no experience with them and haven't read the labels on them so I can't recommend any of those, I don't want to promote anything I haven't tried myself so I won't, even a good size glass of milk immediately after would be better than nothing if you can't spend the money on simple whey protein, and yes, I’m serious.  If you have questions on where or what to buy, ask a coach or do some trial and error research and find out what works best for you.

Friday, December 11, 2015

December 11 2015


10 down to 1 reps for time of:

Clean and Jerks 115/75
H.R. Pushups

30 Double Unders between each round 

A lot of people and gyms nowadays confuse the work we do with the kind of constant cardio group training of the past, (aerobics, zumba, dancing around doing whatever it is I see people doing in conventional gyms) and think that because they aren't able to be moving the entire workout the weight must be too heavy or the reps must be too much.  There are definitely workouts that you should be able to move through unbroken and continuously but there are also workouts where the goal is to get the work done and fight through it, if that means I need to put the weight down and breathe after 2 or 3 reps because its difficult that is fine not a reason to start questioning the load on the bar.  If you have truly moved a load quickly that you can only move safely for 2-3 reps I guarantee your heart rate is jacked, your muscles are being taxed and the stimulus necessary to cause adaptation is 100% being achieved and both your anaerobic and aerobic energy systems are being trained and benefiting.  Of course efficiency and safety in the movement comes first but if you have got both of these under control, don't be afraid to push yourself and gut it out every now and then, that's where the magic happens....


Back Squat 
3-3-3-3-3 w/ 2 Sec Pause in bottom position


Overhead Squat
3-3-3-3-3 w/ 2 Sec Pause in bottom position

This movement will be decided on an individual basis, those that are proficient in their squat (Hip crease below parrelel, upright torso, chest up, shoulders back) will be working on overhead squats those whose squat is a work in progress will be back squatting

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

December 9 2015


4 Rounds for Time of:

22 Burpee Pullups
22 Front Squats 95/65

Scale as needed, 20 Min Time Cap



Monday, December 7, 2015

December 7 2015


Three rounds for reps of:

Sumo deadlift high-pulls 75/55
Box Jumps
Push-press 75/55
Bike (Calories)

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the Bike where each calorie is one point.


5 Sets climbing in weight of:

3 Strict Press + 3 Push Press

Friday, December 4, 2015

December 4 2015

Class at 9AM and 5PM Today


Each of the following couplets is for time and meant to be gone through as fast as possible.  Each will have a 5 minute time cap and a 1 minute rest between the different couplets- The sooner you finish the more rest you will get but even if you don't finish within the five minute cap you will still get 1 minute of rest before starting the next.

For Time:
50 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
25 Situps

1 Min Rest

For Time:
50 Thrusters 45# Barbell for Men/35# for women
25 Toes to Bar

1 Min Rest

For Time:
50 KB Swings 53/36
25 Wallballs


Back Squat

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Decemeber 2 2015


For Time:

50 KB SDHP 53/36
50 Deadlifts 115/75
40 Hang Power Cleans
30 Front Squats
20 Jerks
10 Thrusters

* Scale as needed so that each movement can be safely performed



Monday, November 30, 2015

November 30 2015


6 Rounds for Time of:

24 Airsquats
24 Pushups
24 Walking Lunge Steps
75 Double Unders (150 Singles)

**25 Minute Time Cap


Strict Press

Thursday, November 26, 2015

November 27 2015

Class at 9am & 5pm Friday

Post Thanksgiving Workout:

Teams of 2 or 3 complete the following for time:

Run 800M
150 Situps
100 Back Squats 115/75
50 Shoulder to overhead 115/75
25 Partner wallballs (both partners must stop every 5 reps and do 5 burpees)
50 Shoulder to overhead 115/75
100 Back squats 115/75
150 Situps
Run 800M

Work is split between team any way desired...

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

November 25 2015

Class at 9AM, 5PM and 6PM Tonight


Teams of 2 Complete as many rounds as possible in 18 Minutes of:

9 Deadlifts 225/155
12 H.R. Pushups
15 Box Jumps

Partner completes full round before switching - Score is number of total rounds

* If you are scaling the Deadlifts in this workout it should be about 25% lighter than what was used last week in the team Deadlift workout.  If you weren't here for it (get your life together) look to be at about 50-60% of your 1 rep max deadlift. If you are unsure, ask...


Barbell Row 

As always there is no group class on Thursday, Since a lot of people have the day off and want to workout there will be an open gym block from 8:00-9:30am - During this time you can come in and work on a weakness or hit a workout you may have missed.   
Regular Schedule Friday, Class at 9AM & 5PM, Be ready to work and have fun, we have a good one planned.......

Monday, November 23, 2015

November 23 2015

Regular schedule this week, be thankful.......


5 Rounds for Time of:

7 Front Squats (from the floor) 135/95
14 KB Swings 72/53
21 Burpees

Scale as needed
If these front squats are out of reach for you a good scaling percentage would be about 50% of your 1 rep max front squat or 75% of your 5 Rep max...  The swings should be a bit heavier than usual but not so much that they aren't being performed correctly or safely, challenge yourself but be smart...


Bench Press

Friday, November 20, 2015

November 20 2015


16 Minutes to work up to a 1 Rep Max deadlift, This can be done in as many or as little sets wanted if you have been consistent over the past 4 weeks of classes otherwise don't shoot for a PR here, build to a safely performed, repeatable heavy deadlift for the day using a typical strength set rep scheme.  If you are unsure ask a coach... This deadlift will determine the partners for the workout based on roughly 75% of your 1 rep max for the day (Yes it should be heavy)


Teams of 2 Complete As Many rounds as possible in 16 minutes of:

5  Deadlifts (75% of 1 rep Max)
10 H.R Pushups
20 Situps

Each partner completes 1 full round AFAP before switching - Highest number of rounds wins

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

November 18 2015


As Many rounds as possible in 3, 6 and 9 minutes of:

50 Wallballs
40 DB Front Rack Lunges (alternating)
30 KB Swings 53/36
20 DB Snatches (alternating)
10 Box Jumps

Rest 2 Minutes between AMRAPS - Starts back at Wallballs each time

Minutes 0-3 Work 
Minutes 3-5 Rest
Minutes 5-11 Work
Minutes 11-13 Rest
Minutes 13-22 Work


Back Squat 

Monday, November 16, 2015

November 16 2015


With a Continuously running clock begin a new round every third minute for a total of 10 rounds of:

25 KB SDHP 53/36
12 Burpees

The two movements should be performed at maximum effort as fast as possible in order to take advantage of the rest between rounds and provide the intended stimulus for the workout.  The faster and harder you push, the more rest you will receive, maintain your working times for all 10 rounds and the more fitness you will receive......


Increase load through 5 sets of the following complex

3 Strict Press + 2 Push Press + 1 Jerk

(Take it from the ground each time)

Friday, November 13, 2015

November 13 2015

Class at 9AM and 5PM Today


5 Rounds for Time of:

10 Hang Power Cleans 115/75
25 Wallballs

Bench Press

Just FYI:  There will be some outside running for Saturday mornings class, dress accordingly..

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

November 11 2015

Had to work, bought a house, wanted to sleep in, Veterans Day....Get to the gym!! 
Classes at 9AM, 5PM and 6PM Today


15 Minutes to establish a repeatable, heavy 2 Rep deadlift.  This can be found using any rep scheme you feel appropriate but if you are unsure ask a coach.  Use all the time given and go heavy, you will be using this max to gauge what should be used for the workout.  


5 Rounds For Time of:

7 Deadlifts 275/185
30 Airsquats
15 H.R. Pushups
30 Double Unders

Scale as needed, if the suggested weights aren't practical for you, use roughly 65-75% of the 2 rep that was established, it is only 7 reps at a time and should be fairly heavy for you.

Monday, November 9, 2015

November 9 2015

Congrats to everyone who completed the Spartan Race Saturday.  


Complete as many rounds as possible in 18 minutes of:

15 Pullups
15 Burpee Box Jumps

Teams of 2 split work as desired 

Strict Press 

Friday, November 6, 2015

November 6 2015

Class at 9AM and 5PM Today 


As Many reps as Possible Laddering up by 3's for 15 Minutes of:

Clean and Jerk 135/95
Toes to Bar 
25 Double Unders between each round (75 singles)

*Each round Reps increase as follows 3,6,9,12,15,18,21..... Double unders stay the same every round


Barbell Row 

Tomorrows Spartan race starts for our group at 9:45am.  There are 13 of us signed up that I know of and I know some people have already set up to meet before going in.  I will be at the gym for 7AM and plan to head in by 7:15 for anyone who wants to follow.  The general consensus was to wear your black DBSC shirt.  We should all try to meet up in there so no one is going off alone for the race.  Once we get inside we’ll work out the logistics of how to make that happen, there should be plenty of time to park, sign in and meetup.  For everyone else, class is still on for 8:30, Coach Marshall will be there for you and when you're done working out, come on down to Fenway to watch…

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

November 4 2015


For time:
Deadlift 185/135 (or roughly 50-60% of Max)

Rest Until 12 Minutes Then:

For Time:

Each couplet has an 8 minute time cap so that whether you finish or not you will have at least a 4 minute rest between the two.  This should give you plenty of time to recover and hit the second workout just as hard as the first.  Both efforts should be all out efforts.  Don't pace yourself, go harder than you believe you can go and gut it out.  Real adaptation occurs when we push past the limits we imagine are there.


Back Squat

Monday, November 2, 2015

November 2 2015

Class at 9AM, 5PM and 6PM Today


Teams of 2 Complete as Many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

10 Push Press 115/75
10 KB Swings 53/36
10 Box Jumps 24/20

Partner 1 completes full round at all out effort then rests while partner 2 goes, repeat for 20 minutes.


Bench Press

The Fenway spartan race is this Saturday, It looks like our groups start time is 9:45.  Below is some arrival info from their site.

Arrive an hour and a half before your start time. This gives you plenty of time to park, pick up your packet, drop your stuff at bag check, and get warmed up. (We can meet at the club for 7AM and plan on leaving by 7:15 if people want to carpool)
Registration opens at 5:30am on Saturday, 7:30am on Sunday. The Mobile Locker Co. will also be onsite as a gear check option. Lockers give you convenient, secure storage option for your valuables and gear, starting at $10. Rent online in advance or onsite with cash or credit (limited quantity available). Click here!

Your ID
Waiver (I printed these and have them at the gym)
Your bib # 

What not to bring: 
Outside food and drink (racers, fuel for the race is OK)
Your pets 
Negative Attitude (Impossible)

Friday, October 30, 2015

October 30 2015

Class at 9AM and 5PM Today

For Time:

20 Thrusters 95/65
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 95/65
20 Push Press 95/65
20 Power Cleans 95/65
20 Front Squats 95/65

*Every Minute on the minute stop and perform 5 Burpees
* Workout begins with 5 Burpees
Scale as needed


Front Squat

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

October 28 2015


As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 15 Minutes of:

10 Strict Pullups 
20 H.R. Pushups
30 Situps
40 Sec. Plank Hold
50 Walking Lunges
100 Double Unders 



The Spartan Race at Fenway is less than two weeks away, if you were planning on signing up and haven’t you should probably do so now: -Team Name is DBSC - Who is already in?

Monday, October 26, 2015

October 26 2015


Push Jerk 

*Take it from the floor


As Many Rounds as Possible in 8 Minutes of:

3 Power Cleans (155/115*)
3 Front Squats
3 Push Jerks 

Rest 3 Minutes

As Many Rounds As Possible in 8 Minutes of:

10 Toes To Bar
15 WallBalls
30 Double Unders (90 Singles)

* Weight on the first triplet should be heavy but not so heavy that you are staring at a bar for 8 minutes - The goal weights listed are for those of a strong male and female.  A good place to scale from is using ABOUT 80% of your max jerk for the day.  This is of course assuming there are no safety issues or holes in your ability to power clean and front squat that weight.  Still unsure? Ask a coach....

Friday, October 23, 2015

October 23 2015

Class at 9AM and 5PM Today


2 Rounds for Time of:

Sprint 400M
15 Toes to Bar
30 Deadlifts 225/155 (or roughly 50-60% of a safely performed 1 rep max)
45 KB Swings 53/36 


Barbell Row

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

October 21 2015

For Time:

100 Double Unders (300 Singles)
4 Rounds for Time:
12 Thruster 75/55
12 SDHP 75/55
100 Double Unders


5 Sets of the following complex climbing in weight each set:

3 Strict Press + 3 Push Press

Monday, October 19, 2015

October 19 2015

Class at 9AM, 5PM and 6PM Today

For Time:

50 Box Jumps
50 Jumping Pullups
50 Kettlebell swings 36/25
50 Walking Lunges
50 Knees to Elbows
50 DB Push Press 30/20
50 Supermans
50 Wallballs
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders


Back Squat 

Still looking to fill the 9am class, if you know people who may be interested in this time slot have them email

Group Training

Who is it for:

Anyone looking to increase their overall fitness level, lose weight and/or gain strength.  Whether you are getting in shape for a challenge, a sport or just to feel better about yourself this is the class for you.  All ages and fitness levels welcome.

What you can expect:

Each workout will be different from the last and you will never get bored or plateau in your training as a result.  Every movement is scalable for anyone’s fitness level and will be gone over during class so that no one feels unsure or unsafe.  With a mixture of weightlifting, gymnastics, strongman/woman and cardio there is no better way to become all around fit and physically prepared.

Friday, October 16, 2015

October 16 2015

Class at 9AM and 5PM Today


With a running clock perform:

Minutes 0-7
Run 1200M then:
Max Wallballs
Minutes 7-9
Minutes 9-15
Run 800M Then:
Max Russian KB Swings 72/53
Minutes 15-17
Minutes 17-22
Run 400M Then:
Max Burpee Pullups

Score is sum of reps for each round
Scale as necessary so that intensity can remain high but safe during work portions



Wednesday, October 14, 2015

October 14 2015


Ascend through the following movements for as many reps as possible in  9 minutes in rounds of:

Thruster 95/65
Burpee over Bar

REST 5 Minutes

Decend back down the couplet starting at the last completed round for time
with a 9 minute cap.... Also HAVE FUN.........

**Scale the weight on the barbell as needed

Strict Press

Monday, October 12, 2015

October 12 2015

This workout as well as EVERY other workout is written with the loads and goals of a fit individual in mind. That is why often we have a time cap on it and are always checking and assigning weights on an individual basis different from what is written here.  The movements can be scaled, the loads can be scaled and the time under tension can be scaled.  Just because it says the front squats should be done at Body weight does not mean you have to use that, are ready for that or that amount of volume would even be beneficial for you. Believe it or not, there is no sadistic thought process behind this type of training, I have no desire to watch you suffer through something you shouldn't be doing, that's not what I'm in this for.  The ability to perform these workouts as they are written takes time, dedication, trust and commitment. We are lucky enough that the majority of our core members have been here with us for about two years and are committed and trust the process.  Because of that I have seen many of them go from almost no load on the barbell at times to close to, if not the weight that is suggested.  I have watched those that have stayed committed become stronger, more fit and most importantly healthier by allowing time, discipline, sacrifice and commitment to change them.  Nowadays a lot of people want to skip the process and somehow hit a button to download their fitness, you can see it any weekend you want at road race of any distance where a large amount of the people are way out of shape and taking on something they haven't put the time into, haven't sacrificed for and are not ready for.  The only people that I often hear complaints about excessive soreness or nagging reoccurring pains are those who show up only when its convenient for them, inconsistently and aren't committed.  These people are not here enough to become conditioned to the type of workout we are doing and are trying to keep up with the people around them that are - PLEASE STOP DOING THAT.  If you are new to this type of training, take your time, no one here got where they are overnight.  Ask if you are not sure about something and tell us if something is bothering you.  The classes now have people at all different levels of fitness and just because you're in the same room with other people the only workout that matters to you should be your own.  If you at anytime find that this is not the type of training that you want, not one of you is under contract and I will give you a 100% refund, I totally understand that this is not for everyone.  If this is something you are ready to work hard for, sacrifice for, be patient with, stay committed to and have a desire to change your health and fitness level for, please keep coming.  If not, new member or old, let me know so I can make room for those that are.


5 Rounds for Time of:

45 KB SDHP 53/36
15 Front Squats 

(FIT Men should use their own bodyweight on the bar/women 3/4 bodyweight)
If say your 5 rep max front squat is under your bodyweight of course you shouldn't be using that weight for 15 reps a good place to start would be maybe 70% of your 5 rep max.  


Barbell row


Friday, October 9, 2015

Oct 9 2015

Class at 9AM and 5PM Today
Regular schedule Monday

As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 Mins of:

20 Deadlifts 185/135 
15 Toes to Bar 
5 Pullups

**Scaling for the deadlift should be roughly 50-60% of 5 rep max


Front Squat 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

October 7 2015

Class at 9AM, 5PM and 6PM Today


4 Rounds for Time of:

Run 400M
20 Alternating DB Front Rack Lunges 35/20
15 DB Hang Cleans 35/20
10 Jerks 35/20


Bench Press

Monday, October 5, 2015

October 5 2015

Classes at 9AM, 5PM and 6PM Today


3 Rounds for max reps of: 

KB Swings
Bike Cals

1 Min each station, 15 seconds rest to transition to next movement.  
3 Times through 
Score is Total Reps




A team has been created for the Fenway Spartan Race on November 7th. To join the team, register for the Saturday morning race here: HERE and don’t forget to click on join an existing team when asked….Team Name is DBSC – EVERYONE SHOULD sign up!

Friday, October 2, 2015

October 2 2015

Class at 9AM and 5PM Today

 As many rounds as Possible in 15 Minutes of:

15 Box Jumps 24/20
12 H.R. Pushups
9 Push Press 115/75

*Try to stick with push presses on these, not jerks unless completely necessary


Strict Press

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

September 30 2015

Starting this Friday October 2nd we will be adding a 9am class on Mondays, Wednesday's and Friday's. We are looking to fill this time slot with new members but current unlimited members interested in attending can contact Dave. New members interested in joining should email:

Most of you already know Fran from class but I’m happy to say she will be coaching all the 9am classes for us.  Fran is a Certified Personal Trainer through AAPT and a USA Level 1 Weightlifting Coach, and more importantly she has done two straight years of 1 on 1 private training with me so she knows exactly what I expect and how I teach.  I trust she will be delivering the workouts perfectly for us as we grow this time slot and hopefully more.  Don’t let her fool you though; she’s probably even tougher than me.   First 9AM class is this Friday, if you have friends interested in joining please spread the word.  


4 Rounds for time of:

50 Double Unders (150 Singles)
25 Wallballs
15 Pullups


Back Squat

Monday, September 28, 2015

September 28 2015


For Time: 

50 Burpees
100 Situps
50 Burpees

Every minute on the minute complete: 3 Deadlifts 225/155


Barbell row

Friday, September 25, 2015

September 25 2015

1 Class at 5Pm Today

Tomorrows morning class will meet at Cawley Stadium parking lot to start at 8:30 sharp, I'll be there by 8:10 - Spread the word - BE THERE


Rounds of 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 for time of: 

Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75/55
Thruster 75/55


Bench Press

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

September 23 2015

Saturday Class meeting at Cawley Stadium 8:30am.  Spread the word!


Teams of 2 complete 10 rounds for Time of:

12 Shoulder to Overhead 115/75
9 Toes to Bar 
6 Box Jump Overs

*Partner 1 completes full round as a sprint then rests while partner 2 goes



Monday, September 21, 2015

September 21 2015


4 Five Minute Rounds of:

Run 400M 
30 KB Swings
15 Goblet Squats

Rest remaining time in each 5 Minute round


Back Squat 