Monday, July 6, 2020

The Group Fitness classes for our loyal adult members will be returning at 5pm Monday, Wednesday, Friday and 8:30AM Saturday Morning. These classes are for current members only and we can not accept any drop ins and are not accepting any new members at this time.  To be placed on a waiting list when new class times or space becomes available please email:  

New Members interested in remote programming for home can email for details. The monthly rate for the remote coaching will be $35/month and include the full weeks programming at the beginning of the week, access to the private facebook group and each days warm up, conditioning, strength and extra midline work with detailed instruction or video demos when needed.

Current Membership Options:

DBSC Unlimited – Access to all Remote and in person training including the private FB Group and Group classes MWF 5PM and Saturday 8:30AM - $75.00/Month Currently Sold Out

DBSC At Home – Access to all remote programming including upcoming weeks programming ahead of time, Detailed daily breakdowns to give you your full 60-90 Minutes of work to do at home, including Warm up, Conditioning workout, Strength work, options for scaling and equipment substitutions as well as daily extra Midline strength/accessory work $35/Month Email for details

Small Group or 1 on 1 Personal Training – All Ages – Groups of 1-3 $50/Hour, Groups of 4-6 $75/Hour By appointment only

New members looking to to inquire
about small group or 1 on 1 Personal training, remote coaching or to be placed on a waiting list,

Friday, April 24, 2020

April 24 2020

The gym is currently closed and all adult strength and conditioning classes are on hold during the Covid-19 situation.  You can find simple at home workouts on the DBSC Facebook page daily that can be done at any ability and with no equipment. Our regular programming including warmups, workouts and strength work will be posted in the private members only Facebook group. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

April 22 2020


3 Rounds For Time Of:

Run 800M
30 Pullups
15 Power Cleans 115/80

At Home/No Equipment Version:

4 Rounds For Time of:

Run 800M
30 Backpack Rows
15 Burpee Backpack Ground to Overhead

Fill Backpack to Roughly 20Lbs for Men 15 Lbs for women

Monday, April 20, 2020

April 20 2020

Strength and Conditioning:

20-15-10 reps for time of:

Thrusters 95/65
Toes to Bar 
Box Jumps

At Home/No Equipment Version:

30-20-10 Reps For Time of:

Backpack Thrusters 
Backpack Situps
Box Jumps

Fill a backpack with roughly 20 Lbs for men and 15 Lbs for women.  Make sure to squat below parallel each rep and press to full extension for each rep of the thruster.  On the situps start with arms extended lying flat on the ground with the soles of your feet together and situp until your shoulders come in line with your hips at the top of each rep. If you don't have a box find a set of stairs of an appropriate height that you can safely jump to and come to a full stand at the top of each jump.   

Friday, April 17, 2020

April 17 2020

Strength and Conditioning:

As Many Rounds As Possible in 18 Minutes of:

20 Dumbell Box Step Ups 
20 Dumbell Push Press (10 each side)
20 Dumbell Reverse Lunges 
10 Dumbell Power Cleans 


For the Box Step Ups and Push Press you are only using 1 single dumbell.  On the step ups you can hold it wherever you find most comfortable.  On the push press you will do 10 reps on one side and then 10 on the other.  For the Lunges and Power Cleans you will use a dumbell in each hand holding them in the front rack position for the lunges and returning to the floor for each rep of the power cleans.  

At Home Version:

As Many Rounds As Possible in 18 Minutes of:

20 Backpack step ups
10 Pike Handstand Pushups
20 Backpack reverse Lunges
10 Broad Jumps

Wearing a backpack loaded with roughly 50 lbs for men and 35 lbs for women progress through all the movements wearing the backpack for the entire workout.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

April 15 2020

Strength and Conditioning:

5 Rounds for Time of:

20/15 Cals Bike
8 Front Squats 155/105
50 Meter Farmers Carry 50# Dumbells 

*Take the Front squats from the floor
**Carry two 50 LB Dumbells for the Farmers carry 

At Home No Equipment Workout:

5 Rounds for Time of:

100 Mountain Climbers 
10 Backpack Front Squats
100 Yard Backpack Bear Hug Carry 

*Fill Backpack with roughly 50 Lbs for Men and 35 Lbs for women 
**For the Front Squats Hold in front like a bear hug and squat below parallel  making sure to stand up completely between each rep
*** Holding the backpack in front the same way carry the load for 100 Yards 
****Do not advance unless carrying the load

Monday, April 13, 2020

April 13 2020


3 Rounds for Time of:

7 Clean and Jerks 135/95 
14 Deadlifts 135/95
21 Toes to Bar 
At Home/No Equipment Version: 

4 Rounds for Time Of: 

7 Burpee Backpack Ground to Overheads
14 Inchworms
21 Backpack Situps

Friday, April 10, 2020

April 10 2020


5 Rounds for time of:

15 Box Jumps
15 Deadlifts 225/155
12 KB Swings 53/35
12 Wallballs

Todays At Home No Equipment Workout:

As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 Minutes of:

15 Box Jumps
10 Inch Worms
12 Rollover V - Sits
12 BackPack Thrusters

* If you don't have a box find a set of stairs and jump to an appropriate step (Be Safe)
** Fill a back pack with laundry and books to roughly 25 Lbs for Men and 15 Lbs for women for the thrusters

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

April 8 2020

Strength and Conditioning:

3 Rounds For Time of:

25/20 Calories on Bike
15 Power Cleans 135/95
12 Lateral Burpees 

At Home/No Equipment Workout:

4 Rounds for Time of: 

50 Jump Squats 
25 Burpees 

Monday, April 6, 2020

April 6 2020

Congrats to Greg for taking first in the weight loss challenge with a total loss of 28 Lbs! it was definitely a close race but Greg was able to take the win with a total percentage of weight loss of 13.74%.  Greg steadily lost from week 1 on and was able to keep the losses going even over the last few weeks when routines got harder to hold onto... Good work, keep it off and keep it going!  Right behind Greg was Chrissy who was able to maintain her weight from her win in the last challenge and then lose another 17 LBS over the last 10 weeks with a total percentage of 11.58.  Super proud of her dedication.  Coming in third was a big surprise with a total of 8.30% edging out RJ by .09% was Stef, she had a goal weight from week 1 that she wanted to hit and she consistently lost about 1.5-2 lbs a week to hit her goal dead on at the final weigh in... Good work by everyone, very proud that EVERYONE lost something and was able to stay motivated and committed even with our routines being interrupted..

Strength and Conditioning:

4 Rounds For Time of:

Run 400M
20 Power Snatches 75/55
20 Overhead Squats 75/55

At Home/No Equipment Workout:

4 Rounds for Time of:

Run 400M 
20 Broad Jumps
20 Airsquats
60 Sec Plank

Keep body in 1 straight line for the entire 60 seconds of the plank.  If you come out of line or drop do not move on until you have accumulated 60 seconds in the plank.  

Friday, April 3, 2020

April 3 2020

Final weigh ins will take place today over zoom at 5PM. I will post the link on the Facebook page at 4:50pm. If you are using a desktop you'll be able to just click on the link and if you are using your phone you have all day to download the app and you'll then also be able to click the link off the facebook page.  If you aren't available at 5PM today to check in, touch base with me between then and Saturday morning.  Winner will be announced Monday here.  So far a lot of you guys have been doing awesome with the at home workouts, keep that going, a bunch of others are MIA and I hope they're not just laying around eating their life away now that they have an excuse to.  Either way anyone in or out of the challenge can feel free to join the meeting today to check in and let us know how you're making do with the current situation...

Strength and Conditioning:

For Time:

20 Clean and Jerks 95/65
15 Pull-ups
50 Double Unders
15 Clean and Jerks 115/75
15 Pull-ups
50 Double Unders
10 Clean and Jerks 135/95
15 Pull-ups
50 Double Unders
5 Clean and Jerks 155/105
15 Pull-ups
50 Double Unders

If you do not have a pullup bar you can make these barbell rows with the increasing load each round, be creative, work with what you've got.  Scale the barbell weight accordingly but take note that the load should increase each round.  You should be testing and building up to each weight in your warm up so that you have a plan and idea of how you will scale this before you start.  You guys are all veterans at this point, be confident and be safe 

Todays At home/No Equipment Workout: 

As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 Mins Of:

20 Backpack Burpee Ground to Overhead
20 Backpack Rows
50 Taps

*Fill your backpack fully tight with laundry, if you think it's too light, add some books to the middle
** If you have a pullup bar you can replace rows with 15 pullups
*** If you have a jumprope you can substitute the taps with jumps on the rope

Go all out and post your rounds and reps...
Be creative, work with what you've got...

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April 1 2020

Originally I had hopes that we would only be cancelling classes until the 7th of this month but as you know things just don't see to be looking any better. With the governors new recommendations on social distancing being pushed out to now at least May 4th it looks like we will just consider the whole month of April off from classes and hopefully things will be back to a normal schedule then. Thank you to those of you that requested to keep your memberships going instead of putting it on hold. It is hugely appreciated by the entire club and will help in keeping things above board until we can get back to normal. Thank You! I will keep posting workouts, recommendations and responding as much as I can with suggestions on how you can make do with what you have at home. Keep focusing on what you can do instead of what you can't, be creative and remember that your healthy body is the best way to combat sickness and keep you positive in such weird times. The final weigh in for the challenge will still be at the end of this week and I am going to touch base with anyone around that wants to report their final weight or just check in Friday around 5:30PM. I will post a Zoom link so we can all check in together to make that happen, if you aren't around for it just touch base with me before Saturday and I will announce the winner here on Monday.

Strength and Conditioning:

10 Rounds For Time of:

12 Push Press 75/55
12 Box Jumps
12 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75/55

At Home/No Equipment workout:

10 Rounds for Time of: 

12 Pike Handstand Pushups 
12 Box Jumps
12 Sumo Stance Inchworms 

If you don't have a box find an appropriate set of stairs to use, jump with both feet at the same time and come to a full stand before stepping or jumping down for the next rep.  For The sumo Stance Inchworms keep your legs as straight as possible and walk you hands out to a plank, do a pushup and walk your hands back to your feet.  

Monday, March 30, 2020

March 30 2020

When you set out to complete some big goal or challenge you try to plan, learn and prepare for all the things you can control. For this weekends challenge I ran hundreds of miles alone on all types of terrain, experimented with when and how much to eat and drink, learned about how to recover in between long runs without getting injured and read about how high to build the mileage and when to taper in order to be fresh for the day of. You also know there will be things you can’t control; weather, hills, missteps, injuries you might have to push through and even when you’ll need to go to the bathroom. I knew things like that would come up and I was confident I would just find a way through them. What I didn’t account and prepare for was support. This race was supposed to be in Texas and I had a flight and hotel room for the weekend alone and the plan was to just get out there, complete the race and get back. I trained alone and not many people are exactly looking to run 40 miles with you so I figured why change anything for race day and didn’t think much of it being that it was my goal and I’ve always kind of approached things like this on my own. Obviously the other thing I couldn’t control and never saw coming was when it got cancelled because of the virus situation right now. I knew that this might come up a few weeks ago but I had already began to taper my runs so I figured I’d just do it here and move on with my regular training just like I had planned to do in Texas....Then word got out.....I know you all know when I heard what was being planned I was not exactly excited about having an audience or looking for running partners and even contemplated quietly doing it the day before without telling anyone but Chrissy and Mike assured me all would be fine and everybody just wanted to make sure I got it done. Like I was saying before going into something like this you look at what you can control and what you can’t and then try to prepare for both the best you can but there is always something that comes up along the way and forces you to learn on the fly and usually that something becomes the story or memory of the actual event and that is exactly what happened. With you guys organizing places to jump in, having water for me, giving me something to look forward to between long stretches of road and even letting me know I was off course but could still get where I needed to go I realized the story is not what I got through but how I got through it and who helped make sure I did. You guys and your families made that happen with your time and support. I never planned for that, I never saw that coming but I know that when I look back at running 40 miles, I will remember I was able to do it because of all of you and all your help and that will always be the story. Thank you

Remember typically we would be weighing in today so we should still be weighing in today to track our progress and what we might need to do in this last week of work.  Let me know where you stand or if you need help deciding how to go forward as we finish up this challenge.  

Strength and Conditioning:

Rounds of 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 for time of:

Squat cleans 115/75
Bar facing burpees

At home/No equipment Version:

Rounds of 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 for time of:

Odd object swings
Odd object Front squats
Odd object facing Burpees

Complete 10 of each movement then 9 of each movement all the way down to 1 of each movement as fast as you can.

Use your backpack or any other odd object and load it up with an appropriate weight of laundry and books (no more than 40 lbs for men 20 lbs for women) be creative.. post times and objects to comments

Friday, March 27, 2020

March 27 2020

At Home with Equipment: 

Warm Up with:

800M Run Then 3 Rounds of: 

10 Inch Worms 
15 Toes Touches
20 Lunges
10 rollover V-sits

Build your deadlift up and past working weight, then back down to the workout weight, this should not be a max load but I would say if you can move it for all 12 reps unbroken than you can use it, if not, find a weight that you could.  This is not saying every round should or will be unbroken just that you have the strength to do it when fresh.  

5 Rounds for Time of: 

Run 400M
12 Deadlifts 225/155
15 Pullups

At Home/No equipment Version:

5 Rounds for Time of: 

Run 400m
21 Glute Bridges (2 sec pause at top)
21 Airsquats
21 Backpack Rows 

Fill Your backpack with something a little more challenging (Books,rocks,gallons of water) be creative.  It should be something challenging, if these were pullups you would most likely need to break them up so don't be afraid of a load that would force the same.  Make sure to maintain a flat back and pull the bag right into your chest sending elbows behind you.  

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

March 25 2020

No Classes while we wait this whole thing out but that does not mean you should be throwing away all that you've worked for. Focus less on the things you can't do and more so on what you can do, and there's plenty... As I told you guys Monday the weight loss challenge is still ongoing, don't let those goals go, the only weigh in that matters is the final weigh in and you all know what you should be doing calorically to make sure it is a good one when we get back. Below is the work we would have done in class for those of you with equipment at home to get it done. Below that is a version that can be done with no equipment at all. Get after it and let us know how it goes....

Warm Up with:

800M (3-5mins) Run Then:

3 Rounds of:

30 Single Unders
5 Inchworms
5 Rollover V sits
5 Pushups


5 Rounds For Total Reps of:

1 Minute: Bike Calories
1 Minute: KB Swings 53/35
1 Minute: Wallballs
1 Minute: KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull
1 Minute: Rest

If have only some of the equipment needed sub with appropriate movements from the no equipment version below. Be creative, have fun.. 

No equipment Version:
5 Rounds For Total Reps of:

1 Minute: 10M Shuttle Sprints
1 Minute: Burpees
1 Minute: Back Pack Thrusters
1 Minute: Sumo Stance Inchworms
1 Minute: Rest

** For The Backpack Thrusters fill your backpack tight with laundry. If
you think its too light go faster or add some books to the middle. Make sure we are respecting the standards by squatting with weight in our heels, hips below parallel and standing up every rep.

** The shuttle sprints should be done by running out 10 Meters touching the ground, turn, run back touch the ground again until the minute is over. Each turn is 1 rep

The goal here is to get as many reps as possible of each movement inside each minute, transition fast because there is no rest between movements. Rest for 1 minute after working through all 4 movements and try to keep the same or better amount of reps throughout all 5 rounds.

Backpack Thrusters: 

Monday, March 23, 2020

March 23 2020

Class at 5PM and 6PM Today 


As Many Rounds as Possible in 16 Minutes of:

21 Box Jumps
18 Seated Z Press 35/20
15 Toes to Bar 

At Home/No Equipment Version:

As Many Rounds as Possible in 16 Minutes of: 

21 Box Jumps
18 Pushups
15 (4 Count) Flutterkicks

If you don't have a box find a set of stairs and choose an appropriate step to jump to, BE SAFE

Friday, March 20, 2020

March 20 2020

Week 6 Weigh Ins Start Tonight!

The other night one of you asked, “What are we gonna do about the weight loss challenge?” and the answer seemed obvious to me; NOTHING DIFFERENT, we should continue to stay on track and get in our weekly weigh ins, keep up with our workouts and hopefully reach our goal come April…  Yes, some of you are in different situations than you were a few weeks back with work, school and social distancing controlling some of the things you are able to do but that should not change what you said you were going to do when this all started.  Of course these changes may have made this goal a little more difficult but many things have not changed, you can still (and should) be controlling the calories you take in, you can still get your workouts in whether with us or at home and you can still get in here and weigh in weekly even if you are keeping yourself out of groups for the time being.  If you need to get in here without anyone else, just ask me and we will set up a good time to come in.  The point is that just because a lot of things are out of our control right now, it doesn’t mean we need to lay down and forget about the goals we set for ourselves before things changed.  

Class at 5PM Tonight  

Strength and Conditioning:

Every 3 Minutes begin a new round of: 

Run 400M 
Max Squat Clean and Jerks 155/105

Starts with 400M Run, Once you have reached 30 Total Clean and Jerks you are done.

At Home/No Equipment workout: 

Every 3 Minutes begin a new round of: 
Run 400M
Max Burpee Backpack Ground to Overhead

Starts with the 400M Run, Once you have reached  100 Total Burpee Backpack Ground to Overheads you are done. If you are unsure where 400M is run out hard 45 Seconds and turn around. If you are using a treadmill it is .25 Mi.

**Fill your backpack fully tight with laundry, if you think its too light, add some books to the middle or RUN FASTER....


We are continuing the current adult group class schedule as is for the time being but classes are for current members only, no drop ins, new members or exceptions will be allowed. Obviously if you have been around anyone exhibiting symptoms of any kind or you yourself are not feeling at all 100%, have been traveling or just do not feel comfortable being around other people right now because of the risk of contacting or transmitting the virus do not come to class. This way our groups can remain small and with diligence and extra care to keep ourselves and the equipment clean, we can still get our 1 hour of work in and break from the news and stress of the current times. For those of you that fall into the aforementioned categories I will also be posting alternate versions of the workouts here during this time that you can do at home if you feel most comfortable keeping to complete social distancing. This is not me taking the situation or making this decision lightly. Believe me, the last thing I want is to come in contact with any virus or help spread one. This is an effort to comply with the current standards and to stand by my feelings that your health and fitness should remain a priority in your life no matter what else is going on. This is how we make and keep our immune systems strong all year long, why stop when it’s strength is most needed. I’m glad that we are lucky enough to still do so with little interruption being that we are a small, private club and able to control the traffic in the gym at any time, a luxury many gyms like us don’t have and I feel for those businesses. Classes for the time being will be shortened to 45 mins to allow time for extra cleaning of equipment and less overlap of clients in the facility at one time. Stay healthy - Dave

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

March 18 2020

Class at 5PM and 6PM Today 


I will continue the adult group class schedule as is for the time being but classes will be for current members only, no drop ins, new members or exceptions will be allowed. Obviously if you have been around anyone exhibiting symptoms of any kind or you yourself are not feeling at all 100%, have been traveling or just do not feel comfortable being around other people right now because of the risk of contacting or transmitting the virus do not come to class. This way our groups can remain small and with diligence and extra care to keep ourselves and the equipment clean, we can still get our 1 hour of work in and break from the news and stress of the current times. For those of you that fall into the aforementioned categories I will also be posting alternate versions of the workouts here during this time that you can do at home if you feel most comfortable keeping to complete social distancing. This is not me taking the situation or making this decision lightly. Believe me, the last thing I want is to come in contact with any virus or help spread one. This is an effort to comply with the current standards and to stand by my feelings that your health and fitness should remain a priority in your life no matter what else is going on. This is how we make and keep our immune systems strong all year long, why stop when it’s strength is most needed. I’m glad that we are lucky enough to still do so with little interruption being that we are a small, private club and able to control the traffic in the gym at any time, a luxury many gyms like us don’t have and I feel for those businesses. Classes for the time being will be shortened to 45 mins to allow time for extra cleaning of equipment and less overlap of clients in the facility at one time. Stay healthy - Dave 


3 Rounds for Time of: 

Run 400M 
21 KB Swings 53/35
12 Strict Pullups 

At Home/no equipment version: 

It is really easy right now to feel unmotivated and give in to the urge to just sit around and wait this all out while staring at the TV or phone, don't allow yourself to submit to that feeling. Get up and separate yourself from the noise at least for this part of your day.  You'll feel better, it might not be the same as going to the gym and your daily routine may be all out of sorts but focusing on the things we can control will help and getting up, moving and putting this little bit of work in will always put you in a better space than not. Warm up well, hit the workout hard and try to stay positive...

3 Rounds for Time of:

Run 400M 
63 Mountain Climbers 
24 Doorknob Towel Pullups 
12 Sumo Stance Inch Worms 

Monday, March 16, 2020

March 16 2020

I will continue the adult group class schedule as is for the time being but classes will be for current members only, no drop ins, new members or exceptions will be allowed. Obviously if you have been around anyone exhibiting symptoms of any kind or you yourself are not feeling at all 100%, have been traveling or just do not feel comfortable being around other people right now because of the risk of contacting or transmitting the virus do not come to class. This way our groups can remain small and with diligence and extra care to keep ourselves and the equipment clean, we can still get our 1 hour of work in and break from the news and stress of the current times. For those of you that fall into the aforementioned categories I will also be posting alternate versions of the workouts here during this time that you can do at home if you feel most comfortable keeping to complete social distancing. This is not me taking the situation or making this decision lightly. Believe me, the last thing I want is to come in contact with any virus or help spread one. This is an effort to comply with the current standards and to stand by my feelings that your health and fitness should remain a priority in your life no matter what else is going on. This is how we make and keep our immune systems strong all year long, why stop when it’s strength is most needed. I’m glad that we are lucky enough to still do so with little interruption being that we are a small, private club and able to control the traffic in the gym at any time, a luxury many gyms like us don’t have and I feel for those businesses. Classes for the time being will be shortened to 45 mins to allow time for extra cleaning of equipment and less overlap of clients in the facility at one time. Stay healthy - Dave

Class at 5PM and 6PM Today 


50-40-30-20-10 Reps for time of: 

Dumbell Hang Cleans and Jerks (alternate every 5 reps) 50/35
Double Unders (Double Reps)

At Home: 
50-40-30-20-10 Reps for time of: 

Double Unders (Double Reps) 

*If no Jump Rope do Lateral Jumps over a line 
* If Pregnant replace situps with an accumulation of 60 sec plank each set

Friday, March 13, 2020

March 13 2020

Class at 5PM Today 

5 Rounds for Time of: 

30 Double Unders
20 Dumbell Snatch 50/35
15 Burpees
15 Overhead Walking Lunges (Single Arm) 50/35

Push Press

All Sets @ roughly 65% Max Push Press

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

March 11 2020

Class at 5PM and 6PM Today 

As Many Rounds as Possible In 15 Minutes of: 

15 Box Jump Overs
12 Toes To bar 
15 Pushups
12 Wallballs


Back Squat 

Use 75% of your 10RM

Monday, March 9, 2020

March 9 2020

Class at 5PM and 6PM Today 

For Time: 

21 Deadlifts
Run 400M
18 Deadlifts
Run 400M
15 Deadlifts
Run 400M
12 Deadlifts
Run 400M


Weighted strict Pullups

If < 3 strict Pullups accumulate 40 strict pullups

Friday, March 6, 2020

March 6 2020

Class at 5PM Today 

Halfway mark weigh ins for the challenge start today, by now you should know your maintenance/deficit calories, and can assess whether you need to add, cut or maintain the calories you are taking in.  If you don't you probably haven't been trying that hard and are also unhappy with your current results. Luckily there's still time to pull it together and see some decent results if you look here for all of what you have been supposed to be following all along:  
Good news is everybody is down.  Better news; you have time to double these great results.... The only cost is discipline... Great work so far...

Current Standings: 

Current percentage of weight loss

Greg - 7.88
Chrissy 6.96
Stef- 5.61
Brittany - 5.44
Nicole - 5.43
RJ - 4.93
Meghan - 4.71
Priyanka - 3.78
Karen 3.56
Darleane - 3.37
Ramoni - 3.29
Erika - 3.17
Pearl- 2.84
Jen- 2.32
Bry - 1.37
Jess- 1.20
Matt - 0.57


3 Rounds for time of:

Run 800M
20 Thrusters 75/55
20 Pullups 


On The 2nd minute for 14 Minutes complete: 

1 Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Thruster

Build AFA

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

March 4 2020

Class at 5PM and 6PM Today 


5 rounds for Reps Of:

1 Minute Wallballs
1 Minute Dumbell Snatches 50/35
1 Minute Bike Calories
1 Minute Rest


Back squat 

Use 70% Of your NEW 10RM

Monday, March 2, 2020

March 2 2020

Class at 5PM and 6PM Today 


5 Rounds for Time of: 

6 Deadlifts (Using your 10RM)
12 Lateral Burpees
15 Box Jumps


Bench press

Friday, February 28, 2020

February 28 2020

Class at 5PM Today 

Every Minute on the Minute for 18 Minutes complete:

Min 1: 24 Goblet Lunges
Min 2: 24 Pushups 
Min 3: 15/12 Cals Bike 

5 Climbing Sets of 
1 Strict Press + 4 Push Press

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

February 26 2020

Class at 5PM and 6PM Today 


For Time:

30 Deadlifts 185/135
25 Box Jump Overs
30 Hang Cleans 155/105
25 Box Jump Overs
30 Push Jerks 135/95
25 Box Jump Overs 

Back Squat 

Establish a NEW Rep Max Back Squat 

Monday, February 24, 2020

February 24 2020

Class at 5PM and 6PM Today 

As Many Rounds as Possible in 20 Minutes of:

4 Dumbell Thrusters 50/35
6 Toes To Bar 
24 Double Unders

Establish a new 10 Rep Max 

Friday, February 21, 2020

February 21 2020

Class at 5PM today 


On The 3rd Minute for 18 Minutes Complete:

10/7 Cals Bike
100 Foot DBall Bear Hug Carry 100/70
4 DBall Cleans 100/70


Bench Press

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

February 19 2020

Class at 5PM and 6PM Today 


As Many Rounds as Possible In 16 Minutes of:

7 Strict Pullups
14 Box Jump Overs
7 Lateral Burpees
14 Dumbell Push Press


Back Squat

Use your 10 Rep max for all sets

Monday, February 17, 2020

February 17 2020

Weigh Ins Today.....Hope you've been good....

Class at 5PM and 6PM


12 Rounds for time of:

9 Wallballs
1 Clean and Jerk

Use roughly 75% max Jerk


Tempo Deadlift
(4 seconds up. 4 Seconds down)

Use 90% of 10RM

Friday, February 14, 2020

February 14 2020

Class at 5PM Today 


Teams of 2 Complete:
3000M Bike 
 Directly into 10 Rounds of: 
 1 Power Clean 175/125
7 Ring Dips
20 Deadlifts 175/125
10 Toes To Bar  
Directly Into:
27 Syncronized Burpees to a plate


Push Press

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

February 12 2020

 Class at 5PM and 6PM Today 

4 Rounds For Time Of:

35 Double Unders
30 Situps
25 Burpees
20 Pushups
15 Pullups


Back Squat

At 95% of 10RM

Monday, February 10, 2020

February 10 2020

Class at 5PM and 6PM Tonight
Week 1 Weigh Ins must be in tonight


10 Rounds for Time of:

3 Power Snatches 135/95
15 Wallballs

*Scale as needed



Build up to and use 70% 10RM for all working sets

Friday, February 7, 2020

February 7 2020

Trust The Process...

Class at 5PM Today 

Week 1 weigh ins can be done as early as today but must be in by Monday 

In Teams of 2 Complete 20 Rounds for Time of: 

3 Thrusters 115/75 
6 Toes To Bar
9 Cals Bike 

You Go, I Go...


Barbell Row 

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

February 5 2020

Class at 5PM and 6PM Today 


10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Reps for Time of:

DB Deadlifts
DB Hang Squat Cleans
DB Push Press

**20 Double Unders Between Each Round


Back Squat 

@ 90% of your 10RM

Monday, February 3, 2020

February 3 2020

Class at 5PM and 6PM

Weight loss challenge weigh ins begin today.  See previous post for details...

As many Rounds as Possible in 15 Minutes of: 

15 KB Swings
12 Burpee Pullups
9 Box Jumps Overs



and then establish a 10 rep max deadlift for the day 

Friday, January 31, 2020

January 31 2020


Obviously, we’ve have had some really great results in years past with the weight loss challengess and I expect this year to be no different.  The only thing standing in the way of you changing the way you look and feel and ending up being the next before and after picture are your dietary decisions and commitment over the next 10 weeks. Weigh Ins will start Monday.  Entrance to the contest will cost $20 cash due at your first weigh in and we will hold weekly weigh ins to track your progress and also hold you accountable.  Any pound gained from your first recorded weight at any of the weigh ins will cost you 1 dollar per pound and go directly into the pot for the winner at the end. Losing zero lbs at a weigh in will cost nothing.  The winner on April 6th will get 100% of the money raised. To make things easy and give plenty of opportunity to be here for weigh in each week, weigh ins each week can be done as early as Friday but must be recorded by 7PM on Mondays.  The final weigh in must be done on either Friday April 3rd or Saturday the 4th.  All weigh ins will be as confidential as you like and must be done at the gym, on our scale, with me.  Missed weekly weigh ins will cost 5 dollars and go into the winners pot as well.  The winner will be decided by the total percentage of weight loss, not pounds lost.  What does that mean? Basically it corrects things for the people who don’t have a lot of weight to lose and evens things out for women competing with men who generally weigh more and lose pounds at a faster rate.  So if I weigh 200lbs and lose 5 lbs, I have lost 2.5% of weight but if you weigh 150lbs and lose 5 lbs you have lost 3.33% meaning you lost more and you win…  This is a great way to ride out the rest of the winter and stay motivated to go into spring feeling healthy with real results.  Just coming in a couple of times a week and going through the motions and then eating everything in sight the rest of the week and drinking all weekend doesn’t balance out, let’s balance some things out. Everyone is encouraged to participate.

So what do you eat?

The tough part for me about suggesting how you should diet throughout our challenges is that none of my suggestions ever change during the weight loss challenge or in everyday life because it’s really not as complicated as the diet industry that gets rich off of your need to try and find the next groundbreaking fat loss secret and inability to remain consistent when it comes to eating would like you to think.  It really is just as simple as eating real food, not too much and doing it everyday.  I am 100% aware that there are a million different diets out there that do everything from restricting all fats or all carbohydrates or any foods after certain times of day and yes, they all work (for a time) but I’m not looking for you to temporarily follow a set of rules, I am looking for you to LEARN how to match your activity level (calorie output) to the amount of food you need (calorie input) with real food (plants and animals) and be able to live your everyday life understanding that what you put in is what you get out.  I don’t want you all trying to manipulate the scale for a few weeks with water loss or diet tactics that just aren’t sustainable just to get through the challenge and then watch the scale go right back to where it was once we stop weighing in every week.  So I’m going to give you a few easy guidelines to follow (that I always give) that if you follow honestly will help your body move towards its optimum weight.

The first thing you need to understand is that in all reality there is no way to change your bodyweight, up or down, without either a calorie surplus or calorie restriction.  If you are consistently eating the same amount of calories daily and the scale is not moving, you are eating the correct amount of calories to maintain your current bodyweight.  If you want to weigh less you must eat less, if you want to weigh more, you must eat more.  So where do we start;

(Goal weight) X 10 = Daily amount of calories to eat

Now I already know the nonsense that is floating around in your heads about how you think you should be eating 2000 calories a day because that’s what it recommends on the back of your cereal box and has been beaten into your head for your whole life and I already know that you think that if you only ate that much you would lose muscle or not be able to perform in the gym, PLEASE STOP because it's just not true. 


Chances are you are either sitting at a desk all day or sleeping 10 hours a night or sitting down to drive 2 hours a day and all of these things are burning calories at the lowest level and are paramount when it comes to why you aren’t losing weight at your current caloric intake.  So give it a chance and see what happens, this equation gives you a starting point and if you stick to it for two weeks (honestly) and see no change, you will cut it down another 300 calories and see how that goes for another 2 weeks. Why? Because we are trying to calculate the difference between YOUR activity level and your calorie expenditure and if you haven't lost any weight your activity level is less than your calorie intake.....PERIOD

How do I know? Same answer as before;


Might you feel hungry? Probably…. Does it mean you need to eat more? NO.  You’re stomach can have hunger pains out of habit and because it is usually stretched further than it currently is so when it retracts you feel it….It does not mean you need to react. 

Will it be difficult? Most Likely, but nothing will change without some sort of sacrifice and habits don’t change without a bit of discomfort and soon enough that discomfort will pass and be replaced with results, if you decide to allow it.  

Answers to the questions you will ask that you already know the answer to but ask anyway:

What about Alcohol: You're trying to lose weight right? All calories count...
But my magazine told me wine everyday is good for you: So is not being fat
Is coffee ok?  Yes, but the spoonfuls of sugar and milk (and whipped cream and flavorshots) are all unnecessary calories and are making you fat and count towards your days total calories so choose wisely..or drink it black..
These foods are boring and I dont like them: You're not ready, better luck next year...
I don't want to get too skinny/muscular: See above answer (also stop lying to yourself)

A few easy guidelines:

To start -  Men should be eating 4-5 Meals per day
To start  - Women should be eating 3-4 Meals per day 

ALL Meals should come from true food sources and look like this:

About a fist size of dead animal (3-5oz)
About a fist size of Carbohydrate (Fruit,whole grain rice, oats, potatoes, beans etc) (25-30g)
About a thumb size of good fat,  (Nuts, oils, avacodo, cheese) (7.5G)
About two fists of Greens (Broccoli, spinach, asparagus, lettuce,kale, etc) (2 cups)


* If the eggs have yokes these count as your fat for the meal
* If you’re cooking in oil this counts as your fat for the meal
* If your meat is less than 90% lean (Including chicken with skin and restaurant meat) this counts as your fat for the meal
* If you’re drinking Whole Milk this counts as your CARB and Fat for the meal
* If not losing weight at 2 week mark reevaluate your fist size and cut 300 cals

Lastly, portion sizes are everything, you should be weighing and measuring your food at least until you understand what a true serving is so that you can accurately track your calories which as I wrote earlier is the end all be all in whether you will lose, gain or stay the same.  Using the (Goal weight X 10) equation to start and eating these quality foods to that total daily number is what I believe to be the most manageable and simple way to go BUT IF YOU ARE GUESSING AS TO WHAT A TRUE PORTION SIZE IS and not weighing or measuring your numbers could be and probably are way off … Get a food scale...Good Luck

Class at 5PM Today  

5 Rounds for Time of: 
15 Pullups 
12 Hang Power Cleans 95/65
15 Toes to Bar 


Barbell Row