Welcome the stress, that’s what demands growth, it’s simple science really, stress a muscle, rest a muscle do it consistently and what happens? It grows back stronger, every time. So welcome the stress, too often I see people in the gym trying to hold back or control the stress during our workouts, holding back when they think their heart rate is too high, planning breaks during big sets of reps, jogging when they should be running, accepting some thought that they are working, “Hard Enough” Instead of telling themselves they could go a little harder and guess what happens…..Nothing… They won’t see results because they won’t allow themselves to feel real stress and get any more uncomfortable than they already are. Sure some people might say it’s just a workout, it doesn’t really matter that much, but is it really? I am a true believer that however you approach anything in life is how you will approach everything. This “Stress” that we are confronting in these workouts are not only taxing and building our cardio respiratory endurance, strength, speed, stamina, power, coordination, agility, flexibility, balance and accuracy but also and maybe more importantly than all of that, it’s testing and building our character, our ability to handle stress and displaying how we react to it. Do you push through and face things that come up in life unexpectedly or do you just give up and submit to "Trying hard enough"? This might all seem much deeper than you want to go when it comes to working out but it’s all related. Stress is what decides everything for us, you quit the diet because it’s hard to say no to things that bring comfort and pleasure or the people you're surrounded by. You won’t attempt the lift because you’re afraid of embarrassment or getting hurt and you won’t push yourself to max effort because you’re afraid of being uncomfortable. Discomfort is where everything changes, I know everybody can think of some stress or discomfort that came into their life when they “Thought” they weren’t ready for it but you’re all still alive so I know that perseverance got you through it. When you overcame whatever it is that you overcame, loss of family, loss of job, addiction, eating disorders, injury, or even more serious experiences, whatever it was, you faced it, got through it, overcame, you didn’t just lay down and give up with some idea that, “Oh well I tried hard enough” and now when you look back, you know it forced you to become a stronger version of yourself. All that perseverance through stress made you grow in all those other areas of life so why wont you exercise it when you’re in the gym trying to make yourself better, how are you going to let a 1 hour workout be the thing that forces you to give up and to not grow. Stress makes you grow, stop avoiding it and welcome it and all the results and growth that come from it. Todays workout leaves you with no interference or excuse to slow up, calculate rep schemes or worry about strategy, it's all about just going for it, getting more uncomfortable with simple movements that you've done a million times and reaping the benefits of it, all of them.
Class at 5PM and 6PM Today
As Many Rounds as possible in 20 Minutes of:
30 Double Unders
20 Situps
15 Pushups
10 KB Swings
5 Muscle Ups (or most difficult pulling progression)
Front Squat